How Do Humans Affect and Participate in the Ecosystem?
We have to complete ecology and this one big integral sphere we are parts of by developing our understanding of nature as global and integral, and that we likewise should relate to each other and nature in a global and integral manner.
By treating ourselves and nature in a global and integral way, we bring about both nature's and humanity's global-integral correction. Then, instead of negative human relations disrupting nature's balance, we shift such relations to positive ones. That is the key to us affecting nature and participating with it in balance and harmony.
Should We View Ourselves as Nature's Rulers or Just as Created Beings That Are Equals among Equals?
We have to reach a stage where we are like a wise and good-hearted mother toward her children. That is, the mother is a dominant figure in her family, and she exercises a great amount of control, but she does so lovingly and caringly. We need to learn from the example of a mother toward her children, specifically because her control is through serving. Man, however, solely wishes to rule.
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