How Do Garment Packing Machines Work?
Solid garment packing procedures protect garments from dirt and damage while enhancing factory efficiency.
When we try on new clothes in a store, we usually don’t think about the work that went into getting the clothes from the manufacturing floor to the retail floor. And even if we do, packing is probably the last thing we think of when considering the ins and outs of garment production. But did you know that packing is a critical stage of the garment production process?
Packing rounds off the manufacturing process, usually coming after quality control checks are complete. Puttinggarments into a box may sound like a simple task, but consider trying to fit thousands of t-shirts into a certain-sized box. It’s a process that would tire the most avid Tetris player, but getting it wrong can cause real headaches for distributors and retail customers
A sloppy packing process can cause product imperfections that are bound to impact the customer’s first impression and damage the factory’s reputation. Factories must remember that packaging is the first thing customers see when receiving goods. But that’s not the only reason why packing is so important. Read on to find out more about the packing process, and how machines enhance this process through automation.
What are packing machines and why are they important?
During the final stages of the garment production process, factories prepare finished garments to the standards specified by customers. Specifically, garments are tagged, folded, and sorted into styles and sizes. Garments are folded and placed into protective plastic bags in order to keep them clean during shipping to prevent them from being wrinkled and crushed.
Factories use different packing methods for different garment types. Before packing, machines automate the process by hanging garments like jackets and dresses into bags, which makes life easier for factory workers who would otherwise have to cram items into long bags. These machines are designed for bulk orders and can bag and seal up to 500 items per hour. After bagging, garments may head for additional quality control checks?(Link: The Importance of Quality Control in Textile Production), but this depends on each factory’s specific process.
After bagging and additional quality control checks, garments head to the final stage of production: packing. Packing machines automate the packing process by opening and folding cardboard boxes to be filled with folded garments. Machines then close the boxes, providing just the right amount of pressure to create a perfect seal. Boxes are then taped up, which gets them ready to make their journey to customers.
Do garment factories need packing machines?
Why should factories implement packing machines? Let’s look at three major reasons why packing machines are essential to the garment production process.
1. Manual packing is exhausting for staff
Manually packing hundreds of garments per order is physically exhausting for factory workers. From opening boxes to packing items to sealing boxes up again, packing is a time-intensive task that takes up energy that could be spent elsewhere.
By using packing machines to automate the packing process, workers can avoid exhaustion while still achieving their daily output goals. They can achieve these goals faster than they otherwise would, as packing machines automatically open and seal boxes without human intervention.
2. Manual packing is inefficient for factories
An efficient, streamlined production process is every factory’s dream. Managers work hard to implement procedures that enhance efficiency, which of course includes the packing process.
Manual packing requires numerous workers to open and seal boxes. This takes time, and it’s impossible to manually achieve the same output as a machine. Packing machines help factories minimize labor so just one worker is needed whose job is to feed unopened boxes into the machine. This means that workers can be dispersed to other parts of the production process.
3. Poor packing procedures can ruin clothing
The point of packing items is to protect them in transit from factory to customer. Garments must often travel halfway across the globe from factories in Asia to customers in Europe, North America and beyond. Poorly packaged items that are damaged in transit lead to product waste and dissatisfied customers, not to mention a manufacturer’s tarnished reputation.
Solid packing processes avoid these issues altogether. If boxes are properly packed and sealed by packing machines, the risk of garments becoming damaged or dirty is significantly reduced. Well-packaged items protected by plastic bags survive even if cartons full of garments get bumped or scraped during shipping. Using packing machines is about more than just saving money or enhancing efficiency, it’s about caring for garments right until the last moment.
OSHIMA packing machines protect garments on their journey from factory to customer
OSHIMA’s range of automatic and semi-automatic packing machines is built to handle challenging factory conditions and bulk orders. Designed to enhance efficiency by streamlining the packing process, OSHIMA Semi-Automatic Case Erector opens, forms, folds, and seals cartons in one easy motion. Factories can choose from identical or non-identical carton sizes, and machine settings can be customized to accommodate each factory’s unique needs. Automatic Case Edge Sealing machines seal all four carton edges at once and can be adjusted depending on carton dimensions. Whichever packing machine suits your needs, OSHIMA guarantees user-friendly machines that create a strong seal, protecting garments all the way to the customer.
The main function of packing is to protect finished garments from damage during transit. Packing machines perform a simple but important task in an efficient yet accurate way, streamlining the packing process so that factories can accommodate bulk order requirements. Smart machines can even automatically detect and pack different-sized cartons. With packing machines automating the packing process, surplus staff can be sent elsewhere so as to save labor costs and boost productivity. Is your factory ready for packing automation??Contact us?today to find out more.