How do fire hydrants work? Why are they sometimes different colors?
Autodesk Water Infrastructure
Helping teams manage the water systems of today and build infrastructure for tomorrow.
Fire hydrants are all around us. These above-ground pipe fittings can supply flows upwards of 1,500 gallons per minute to save lives and put out fires across the world. We all know what fire hydrants do, but how do they work? And why are they sometimes different colors?
Called fireplugs, fire pumps, johnny pumps, or just fire hydrants, these life-saving pipe fittings have been around since 1801. Their designs vary by country of origin, but they usually have a connection point to hook up a fire hose and a nut or bolt to turn that will start the water flow.
Essentially every fire hydrant is just an attachment to a main potable water line. If you see one on the side of the road, there’s likely a potable water line running underneath that connects to the hydrant valve through a pipe called a “riser.” It’s important to note that hydrants don’t alter the pressure or flow of the water in any way. They simply function as valves so firefighters can utilize the already present pressure in the water pipes. While all of this may sound simple, the internal mechanics of a fire hydrant are a little more complex and can vary by region.
Our customers often use InfoWorks WS Pro or InfoWater Pro to perform fire-flow simulations to ensure all hydrants in a network meet their necessary specifications.
As for color choices, many hydrants around the US follow the NFPA 291 standards for coloring and markings, but water utilities also sometimes diverge from the guidelines in quirky ways, so it’s always best to consult your local firefighters or water professionals to determine how they distinguish differences between hydrants.
Wet or dry? What's the difference?
In the US, there are two types of hydrants: wet barrel hydrants or dry barrel hydrants:
Another important aspect to note is that the flow of a hydrant isn’t variable during operation. Their valves are designed to be totally open or totally closed. Couple this with the fact that each hydrant is only a valve and usually not a pump, the output of water is solely dependent on the pressure available to the hydrant at that point in the water line. The higher the pressure, the more water the hydrant can distribute to stop a fire.
Going with the flow
Common flow rates for hydrants across the US range from less than 500 gallons per minute all the way up to above 1,500 gallons per minute. Higher flow rate hydrants are usually needed in commercial areas and dense residential areas – essentially where there’s the potential for larger fires. The highest flow-rate hydrants can deliver enough flow to fill a backyard swimming pool in just 3 minutes!
Some fire hydrants are rarely used, but they still have to remain at the ready. Thus, fire marshals and other authorities perform regular inspections of hydrants, usually by attaching a pressure gauge and measuring the flow of the water. Inspectors will check flow rate, valve functionality, and pressure in the pipe both before and during the flow.
However, this does not necessarily need to be performed manually. This is a situation where our software can come in very handy. Our customers often use InfoWorks WS Pro or InfoWater Pro to perform fire-flow simulations to ensure all hydrants in a network meet their necessary specifications.
However you measure it, it’s important that pressure in the surrounding pipes doesn’t drop below 20 psi during hydrant flow. If the pipe pressure does this, then certain areas of pipe in the water network can drop to negative pressure and suck in water from the ground, which could possibly contain microbes or harmful bacteria. If you ever receive a “boil water notice” at your house, it is highly likely that some unforeseen event caused pipes in your local water system to drop in pressure.
Raise a glass of crystal clear, cool water to fire hydrants. These metal above-ground pipe fittings are actually lifesaving pieces of engineering that have to remain at the ready to supply water to firefighters across the country.
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