How Do Entrepreneurs Get Stuff Done?

How Do Entrepreneurs Get Stuff Done?

I wish I could write as easy as I pump out videos.

I know I should be posting more written content. But it's definitely one of my favorite tasks, mainly because I really have to try.

I have to try at lots of things, we all do, we can’t be good at everything.

I do think, as I have written more, I have improved. The real fun comes when you do more of the things that you have a base talent at, like when David Beckham got coached by Sir Alex Ferguson. That’s why I do more videos than copy.

The thing is, being a business owner means we have to wear many hats, even on the tasks we’re not so good at; especially in the early days. Have no fear though, when we business owners, play our cards right; we know it won't last forever, we are, after all, if smart, building a business that works without us.

However, some tasks do stick to us, if they are high value, for me it’s writing, it's so important when it comes to building personal brand and conveying a message. I know that this task is something which is crucially important to help all my business ventures.

To that end, I’m on bloody Twitter too now

I put a tweet out a few days ago, to my 116 followers, yes people, I am now officially a Twitter rookie; follow me on @jamessinclair85.

I stated in my 17th tweet, that its massively important, that we do more of what we’re good, at and get others to do the things we’re not so good at.

The quicker we adopt this policy, the quicker we can speed success up. It's like cheating, but its allowed. My advice; give yourself permission as fast as you can, you don’t have to do everything,

So gang, I know I need to write more, to build my influence, it can't just be videos and podcasts, I am hugely disappointed that I only have 2 books, I feel like I should have 5 by now. I decided to take action on this disappointment.

I emailed my publisher and stated, we need to meet urgently, I’m bringing out 3 books in the next 12 months and I NEED YOUR HELP. She replied, we’re meeting next week and together we’ll make that happen.

A couple of secrets to success points to ponder:

  1. Take Action (email publisher for example, just get it done)
  2. Dead lines, given myself a year to do it (01/01/2020)
  3. Tell people about dead line, so you get embarrassed if you muck up. (See above)

I mapped out in my mind the chapters of the books and wrote a paragraph about each one.

This article gets better, because I am going to share with you my biggest shortcut to writing a book...

I’m going to remove all the mystery to what most people see as the most impossible of tasks, I am going to send a stampede of elephants over the anxiety of the many first page authors that have never made it to page 2.

Firstly. Before I go any further, we’re not making Harry Potter, that’s a skill, talent and enormous task. We’re making a book about what we know - you’re the only character, you wont need to make up fantasy lands, Hobgoblins and Hagrids.

To build personal brand and educate people about our businesses we’re going to write about what we know. That’s the best news, we’ve just made the whole process a whole lot easier.

Secondly, and here’s the big secret to pumping out a book and removing anxiety about 40,000 to 50,000 words you’ll neatly piece together, try not to think you’re writing a book, think that your preparing a keynote presentation. This is the simplest way to create a book structure.

Like all good presenters, you intro yourself, and have a warm chat to bring the audience in. Just like a good book, who you are and why you should listen is the intro to your book.

A great keynote is less content and simple headings that act as prompts to the knowledge you are an expert in, these headings make up your chapters, your chat after each headings makes the content for your chapters (maybe you’ll add more detail when it goes to words, but this makes a huge start and there’s a magic to making a start).

Thirdly, present the keynote presentation a couple of times. Add Q and A with your audience and tweak to perfection, the Q and A acts as check up on making sure we simplify what we write.

Fourthly, record the presentation and give the recording to a copywriter. They will put down all you’ve said, or better still invite them to your live presentation. Copy writers will do this a whole lot easier than you... that’s what they do.

Fifthly, review what the copywriter has done (That is, by the way, your first book draft)

Honestly, I haven’t done that process yet, but it is, how I mapped out my books, I used presentation to build the structure and then painstakingly wrote them myself. 

So now, knowing what I know, I am cheating, I am cheating with the stuff I am not good at. I know the content inside out and upside down. I’ll be far better at editing the second draft than putting the first draft together.

You may be reading this and thinking... "but JAMSEY BABY, I haven’t even got a keynote presentation". Well frankly you should; speaking is another cheat, to getting lots of customers or prospects. Pitching one to one is time consuming, pitching one to one hundred or even thousands is far better use of your time.

All business owners need to learn to speak and present ideas, speaking makes you perform better even when you’re pitching one to one. Whether it’s putting on your own events or speaking at other peoples, it's a very smart way of elevating your authority in your industry.

Jimbo Top Tip 

If you’re ever doing trade shows, is make sure you have as many speaking slots as you can, how do we get those? We simply ask... FROM NOW ON you say...” If I am having a stand I need a speaking slot”

How do we get better rates at trade shows?

Become a speaker, and in many cases you’ll get a free stand thrown in... Boom.

How do we get more speaking gigs ? Become an author.

To your continued success,

James Sinclair


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