How do elite financial advisors find more Ideal Clients?

How do elite financial advisors find more Ideal Clients?

More than 75% of financial advisors do not have an ideal client profile. Elite financial advisors have a clearly written ideal client and ideal family profile. If you are looking for more ideal clients, then define whom you are looking for. First, it’s your internal belief system on whom you are looking for. For example, what you say and believe has to match” We do our best work with ____ (the type of client) who has a net worth between 2 to 6 million”. Who do you do your best work with? Do you believe in yourself enough to go after more ideal clients?

Build Case Studies

Elite financial advisors have case studies on their website of ideal client profiles. Build case studies to help people identify the people who need to work with you, that are not getting comprehensive planning and advice. Your ideal client profile will help you find those people and help people understand your ideal client profile. Reading your case study will help your prospects understand potential financial blind spots and showcase your ability to solve those potential issues.

Tell a Story

Elite financial advisors have video testimonials on their websites. Case studies and testimonials can be simple or complex, but telling a story is one of the most effective ways to explain why you do what you do, what you do, and how you do it. A case study explains why what and how as it relates to finding ideal clients. Here is a simple exercise to help find your ideal clients. Take your top ten clients and select one or two of them to write a case study or story about them (changing their names and confidential information of course, and make sure compliance has read it over).

Choose Your Segment

Elite financial advisors choose ideal families as their ultimate goal. They start with ideal clients. Who is your ideal client? First, choose from a segment that you want to work in to find more ideal clients. For example, you can focus on wealthy retirees, successful entrepreneurs, corner office executives, professionals, wealthy families, or other categories. Then choose one of your top ten clients from this category and start the story. Make sure it is a topic you are well versed in and most passionate about. It will make it easy to tell the story and become inspirational. For example, as an advisor, I always shared the story of retirees and second marriages and how one couple found themselves in a very challenging estate and family situation, unaware of what to do if one of them passed away. I became known as a person to talk to about retirees and second marriages and estate planning challenges. As a result, I was referred to by several retirees with friends who were in their second marriage. The audience selection here is part of your ideal client profile. The segment that will most likely benefit from this advice is…? What does this segment usually pay to solve these problems? What groups, associations, or other social gatherings do they frequent?

Category: A wealthy retired couple ________________________________

Second, describe how you met. Did they get introduced by referral, meet you at an event, or from a center of influence? Was it a seminar you did, or a fundraising event? Was it at the golf course? In other words, tell me how you meet people. Prospects want to know how to meet you.

Introduction/Referral from an accountant ___________________________?

Third, describe the problem/issue(s) they were facing when they sought your advice. Each segment of clients has similar or common challenges they face. Describing the problem will help people identify what problems you solve. For example, a wealthy retired couple was bothered by a change in their health and worried about lifetime income if either had to spend a lot of money on health care. They were also worried about their estate. Now picture a healthy retired couple in their 60’s who are faced with a rapid change in health, which could affect their finances, their estate, and their family. They are no longer 100% confident in the plan and want a second opinion.

What is the Ideal Outcome for Your Clients and ideal families?

My target segment wants to achieve…? Who do they pay good money for advice now and how much? Does it make sense? Describe the problem they have: worried about their nest egg, their income, or their estate, for example.

Fourth, what were the solutions you suggested to help overcome their problems? What is a story of obstacles or challenges that would resonate with your target segment? These stories will help people know that you understand their struggles. What were the results or potential results? For the example of the retired couple concerned about how rapid health challenges would affect their estate, we put a plan in place that included the following elements:

A written income plan for life, including health and mortality, risks that they were comfortable with;

An estate plan developed in conjunction with their professional advisors, accountant, and lawyer, which created a team strategy to give them a comfortable plan in writing for peace of mind for their family;

A family estate plan after meeting with their family, to understand them better and address their specific needs

With comprehensive financial and investment planning, by asking deeper questions and getting to understand our client’s needs, they were able to accomplish what they wanted. They now have a clearly documented plan going forward. The plan can now be discussed and continually updated through our detailed progress meetings to continue to achieve the comfort they are seeking.

Results: In writing, what is the potential outcome? ___________________

Now when you read the case study, do you see how another couple in a similar situation could read this and say, “They understand us and our problems.” If this is the type of work they do, maybe we should have a conversation with them and possibly achieve a similar result?

A Simple Exercise to Plan This Month

What do your ideal clients get? Here is an easy exercise. Buddy up with another advisor and share your best case studies or stories with him or her and ask them to write them down. Also, consider recording the meeting. Then reverse roles and do the same. Most advisors can verbalize beautiful stories or cases when asked, but do not put them on paper.

Below is a list of how you can use case studies or testimonials (with compliance or branch manager approval, of course):

  • On your website on your blog to tell your ideal clients and prospects
  • With your centers of influence (share your sample documents or illustrations)
  • With your strategic partners
  • In your brochure, PowerPoint, or other documents
  • In your newsletter
  • At events or workshops
  • In all of your marketing materials with compliance approval?

How are you going to use case studies to find more ideal clients and ultimately ideal families this year?

How about your goals for your practice in 2021? Our Practice management checklist or fee audit checklist?

While each financial advisor's practice may have a different approach, advisors need to understand where their practice needs help, and will they get the right help for the right part of their practice. What areas does your practice need help with? Get a copy of our updated 21-page “Comprehensive Practice Management Strategies checklist” by going to our website ?or clicking here?

Fee audit checklist for ideal prospects, click here?

Become a “Future-ready Advisor” get our 21-page technology checklist here

Let’s Talk

Contact us to help get clarity around your goals on paper, and having the goals conversation by contacting grant at?[email protected] ?or click on the link to set up a no-obligation 20-minute discussion? ?regardless if we work together, let’s have a chat and listen to your biggest practice management concerns to help you get clarity around your future business.

Grant Hicks, CIM, is President of Advisor Practice Management and co-author of “Guerrilla Marketing For Financial Advisors” 1st and 2nd edition.? ?for speaking, workshops or coaching, contact Grant at?[email protected] ?Grants combined financial advisor clients manage over 4 billion AUM, and earn over $40 million dollars combined!


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