How do credit cards / credit work?
How do credit cards / credit work?
Let me know if I got this down correctly: You get a credit card, each card/bank/program has different interest rates and rewards. Your credit card has a limit, ie 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, etc You can buy anything you want but it cannot exceed your credit limit per month (does it reset?) At the end of the month you get billed in installments, like if you buy a TV for 1,000 dollars, you pay 50~ dollars a month for like 6 years until it's paid off? Not sure if I have it correctly and I have a few questions: Specifically credit limits; how does that work? Is it cumulative and resets each month? (like does it add up, and max out at 1,000 and I can't use it until the next month?) Or is my limit the maximum amount I can charge on a single purchase? If I pay my monthly bill in full each month, my credit will grow, regardless of what I purchased? (ie, do lenders look at what I purchased, or just that I paid it all on time?) What's the minimum payment per month I can make without it adversely affecting my score?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
What happens if I over charge my credit limit?
I'm in a tough spot. I am EXTREMELY pissed at the Best Buy credit card I applied for, with all there rediciulous fees, and other problems I have. I wanna pay off my remaining balance with my major credit card, which I pay no interest on AT ALL! But I'm gonna go over my limit by $100 or so... will it go through? I'll know I'll be charge with a fee, but how badly will that hurt my credit? I can now focus on this one card instead of my Best Buy one aswell."
Where can I find info about the best possible refinance rate on my mortgage without talking to all these banks?
They advertise a low rate but when you actually call, you have to pay a lot of closing costs? Has anyone out there found a good deal lately?"
Whats a really good quick loan place?
hi i just bought a couple businesses and it really drained all my money! lol i have bills due and i cant pay them yet until i start getting money in. i really dont want tons of killer late fees and i dont want my credit to go really bad. i need a little money quick!! and i dont really want to do a payday loan because u endup paying double what u borrowed! anyone have any suggestions on where i can turn? help a young mom out! =) thanks!! btw i have good credit. i always pay everything back pretty dang quick....
"Does anybody know specifically what the posting CHECK CARD CASH ADV. PNC/ATA"" could be on my online banking statement?"""
I realize that this is a cash advance, and I also am certain that it is fraudulent. I just wonder if the code ATA"" or ""PNC/ATA"" could mean something that might narrow down how this happened?"""
Should I file for bankruptcy?
I am $30K in debt (credit cards and personal loans). Monthly payments consume over 50% of my income. My husband is debt free has a good income. We have an interest-only home loan that will change to an adjustable Jan. 2010. There is no way we can afford this new loan monthly payment if 60% of my income is going toward my credit card debt. We also cannot sell or refinance because our home has lost 35% of its value. Not having to pay 60% of my income every month would help us immensely. Any suggestions? Should I file for bankruptcy?
What is your advice on raising my score in a short time frame?
Okay, the score my mortgage broker pulled is a 587. The following are the accounts on my report and their status: Auto Loan opened 9/06 $0 PD was 30 (10/06) *I called Friday, and the lender agreed we were never late on a single payment and was going to send me confirmation in the mail Medical Collection opened 7/03 $395 last reported 4/08 *I called and offered payment in full in exchange for deletion of this record. The supervisor said he couldn't do that because it would be a violation of HIPAA guidelines, and he could only post the account as paid in full. After talking to him, I pulled my Transunion report and under this debt, it says estimated date of removal 3/09"" *I'm just not sure how accurate that is"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Low on cash-know any good websites?
I'm low on cash, and was considering getting a payday loan. Does anyone know of a safe and legit website to get one? Thanks :)"
My credit report doesn't show my auto loan. What can I do?
I did not re-fi but he was held harmless in the divorce decree. I have a petition against him for contempt so this may also be revisited. I think the bankruptcy has something to do with this. It appears they didn't reaffirm me even though I did on paper and during the meeting of the creditors. Who knows, maybe he was able to do something before I filed my Chapter 7."
Are there payday loans in Japan?
Last time I was in Japan was when the economy was flourishing and the Japanese were super savers. They spend money on luxury goods, took vacations yet saved a huge chunk money. I'm back in Tokyo and practically everyone I meet says there's nothing in savings, hours cut, wages cut, no trips abroad and being satisfied with Uniqlo. I'm surprised payday is once a month. There used to be plenty of places that paid weekly (and there used to be plenty of jobs). So, I am wondering if there are payday loan places. If they're around, what are they called. Surely not peidei roon shoppu (apologies, I am using a stateside laptop at the moment)."
Of what advantages might be for an animal(frog) to have a different life in which the immature are aquatic and?
the adults both aquatic and terrestrial
"I need a $7,000 loan and have bad credit where do I go to get this?
I have very bad credit due to my ex-wife. I have been unemployeed and just got back to work. I need to get caught up with past due bills. I would need the loan for about 18 months or so. Please help me.
The real free credit report website?
The real free credit report website?
What happens when I sign a quit claim deed form so my ex can apply for a loan modification as the home is in foreclosure?
My ex-husband and I jointly own a home which he was awarded in the divorce. He is former military. The home was purchased with his VA loan. He was injured on the job and was unable to make payments on the home and thus the home went into foreclosure. A foreclosure date has not yet been set. He is now recovered and back on the job. He is able to afford the monthly payments but not able to pay the amount needed to get the home out of foreclosure status. He is interested in staying in the home and eventually refinancing in his name. To refinance, he was informed he would need to make a year of consistent payments. To stay in the home now so he can start to make these payments, he is interested in applying for a loan modification, which he would likely qualify for on his own. He has asked me to sign a quit claim deed form so that he can apply with his income only. I am not interested in having any ownership or responsibility for the home, but I understand that a quit claim form releases me only from the title and not the mortgage and that the bank could hold me liable for payments. Since the home is already is foreclosure status, am I really losing much of anything (my credit is already trashed because of the missed payments)? What are all the possible consequences for me if he is grated the loan modification but defaults on the loan again before he is able to refinance in his name other than my credit?"
What if i file bankruptcy? but did not go to court yet?
What if i file bankruptcy? but did not go to court yet?
Why did this stock go up?
why did this stock go up? + fresenius kabi pharmaceuticals holding inc I've been trying to figure out how certain stock go up, with no PE or charts and on this one couldn't find any news. Anyone know?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Are there any PayDay Loan companys that will apply a loan directly to a persons debit card?
Are there any PayDay Loan companys that will apply a loan directly to a persons debit card?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How long does it take for a cashier's check to clear?
Just sent a cashier's check for an eBay item (small bucks, used kid clothing). Seller new to eBay, doesn't have a Paypal account set up. Seller says she has received the check and will ship when check clears. I'm thinking, Whaaaa? A cashier's check is like cash. Is she nuts, or am I?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is There a Relieble Game Rental Site that doesnt require credit card info?
Im Lookn For A Site That I Can Rent Games For A Resonable Price Without Giving Out Credit Card Information. Is There a Possible Site That Lets U Rent For Free But Makes u Pay If U Dont return them? :/
Has anyone tried that National Credit Relief toll free number?
I'm not too sure what it's about but they help people with their debt. Can anyone explain what it is? Have you used it? If so did it help? Thank you in advance. Just curious. :)
Should i request a higher limit on my credit card or apply for a new one?
- Viking my friend. i always purchase little things on my credit card .. why ? to build credit. i pay it off quickly. usually THE SAME MONTH. but since i WANTED a tv i BOUGHT one. and can easily pay it off right now.. but im moving .. there fore im conser
Am I able to do a debt consolidation and just pay one monthly bill? But I don t own a house or a car to put up as collateral?
I m some where between 15,000 in debt with credit cards and loans and I regret ever getting them !! Just need help on what to do step by step to just have one monthly payment, my credit is poor , and I don t know what to do."
How do credit cards / credit work?
Let me know if I got this down correctly: You get a credit card, each card/bank/program has different interest rates and rewards. Your credit card has a limit, ie 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, etc You can buy anything you want but it cannot exceed your credit limit per month (does it reset?) At the end of the month you get billed in installments, like if you buy a TV for 1,000 dollars, you pay 50~ dollars a month for like 6 years until it's paid off? Not sure if I have it correctly and I have a few questions: Specifically credit limits; how does that work? Is it cumulative and resets each month? (like does it add up, and max out at 1,000 and I can't use it until the next month?) Or is my limit the maximum amount I can charge on a single purchase? If I pay my monthly bill in full each month, my credit will grow, regardless of what I purchased? (ie, do lenders look at what I purchased, or just that I paid it all on time?) What's the minimum payment per month I can make without it adversely affecting my score?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
Where can I listen to free online audio books with no download or credit card needed?
Please help I like listening to books on my laptop while i am doing work or something like playing a game. But i cant because every time i find a place on the internet it is free but says to put your credit card in. I don't want this please if you know a place, tell me and thanks"
Who will give me a credit card based on my salary (as opposed to my non-existent credit score)?
EDIT: I guess I should have mentioned that I've already gotten copies of my credit report from the 3 credit reporting agencies. :P All clear. My bank also does monthly monitoring and every month I get a text alert that says the same thing every month (that there's nothing negative and no new accounts opened or something like that).
Where can I get a blank credit report form for use in selling my product to different businesses?
I am in the wholesale sports apparel biz and all my retail business customers want terms on payment. Where would I find a sample credit form to give to these retailers to find out how many days I should give them to pay. Needs to cover all the basics of what a standard credit document should contain!
Online debt consolidation?
i have maybe 5000 in credit card debt- have long since stopped using the cards, have paid most of them off.. but i am stuck without much income at the moment and need to keep paying these remaining 3 off i dream of debt free-ness! anyone had a good experience with some organization? appreciate any direction! L"
When will my credit recover?
I have been avoiding my debt collectors for about 3 years now. It's embarrassing and I'm at a loss here. I had an amazing job before however I lost my job and became ill and was unable to make any income for a year (lived off of parents) and was unable to keep up with my credit. I have not made any payments and have looked into bankruptcy as well as consumer proposal options.. I have seen some people go through bankruptcy/consumer proposal but they inform me not to look into it and to continue ignoring the creditors and that my credit will write off/fix it self in 7-10 years.. I just need someone to let me now if it this true? or what I should do... Any help would be appreciated.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
"Lenox Mortgage Co. Georgia, critical views please?"
Hi, I have to re-fi my mortgage to set aside money to pay for 20% of a surgery, and to PAY the mortgage while I am out of work for 12 weeks. I have always used local savings banks before. The idea of some mortgage company is scairy, but, I can get ,not only a good rate, but also emergency credit if things do not go as planned with the surgery! This all sound TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! has hany one had good/bad/indifferent experiances with Lenox Morgages Georga U.S.A.? Please let me know soon, so I don't make a mistake with my home! Thanks Bugsie"
Loan Question.?
So I'm applying for a student loan and the status is that I am waiting in a promissory note. What is this?
Anyone work at Petland?
I know you're not supposed to buy dogs from Petland so spare me the lecture but my question is: when i bought my puppy last summer from Petland I had 6 payments I had to pay. The first 2 were taken out of my account no problem but the 3rd one I had forgotten to transfer money to my account from savings so it bounced and the next time petland tried taking double payments out of my account so they kept bouncing and I didn't know until about a month later. I tried to find a way to contact and get it straightened out but I couldn't find a number anywhere. They stopped trying but I feel like this might be affecting my credit even though I've check all of my credit on and there's no sign of it. Did it go to a collection agency or something? Petland has my name, number, ssn, and address but they never contacted me. If anyone works at Petland and has had to deal with customers like this do you know who to contact. And also I was in Petland the other day just playing with some puppies (I'm not looking for another dog and I don't want anymore from PL) but I like to visit and the employee kept trying to get me to buy this dog and I told her I had bought a Shiba Last summer and her face turned really serious and she said she had to go look at something and came back and started asking me a bunch of questions about how I paid for the puppy and I felt like she knew about the missed payments so I just left. If someone misses payments for a puppy is the Petland contacted to watch out for those people because I felt like she knew and was trying to get me in trouble. Maybe I was paranoid, but If you work at petland or knows how they work let me know. Thanks"
Need a legit place to get a bad credit loan?
I have been looking for a loan and cant find one. Of course i can go to the bank but if my credit was that good i would not need a loan. Anyway i was recently scammed"" by a comp called greenline trust who said they have found me a bad credit lender who has approved me for a loan. first i had to send them the loan agreement then send my collateral to my lender directly. That was of course to be done via money gram and when it was done the lender then required more money to be sent. needless to say i asked for my refund which i am still waiting for and are in the same boat now if not worse. Look i need serious site to check out or resources. thanks"""
I have American Express credit card how can i purchase adult porn websites?
Adult American Express porn Web Sites
"I am probably going to lose my house in foreclosure. If so, can I go through bankruptcy to rebuild my life?"
I should have added that my ex wife charged some debt to my name while I was In Iraq under a power of attorney. I am already up to my neck in debt and know that my credit is in horrible shape and will be for sometime. I am already in the bad credit for 7 years boat."""""
How many home equity loans?
I just bought an house with the home equity loan on my primary residence i was wondering if i could get another home equity loan this time on my investment property, and on, and on .... Or is the average citizen restricted at some points? when they look at your income do they take in consideration the rental income as well? thanks"
Best website to get a free credit report/score?
Best website to get a free credit report/score?
Changing bank of america credit card due date?
Yes I know my current closing date, the information has been on my account for weeks but the card came today."
How do you declare bankruptcy on your credit card ?
How do you declare bankruptcy on your credit card ?
Steps on obtaining a auto loan?
I had a chapter 7 bankruptcy that was discharged in 2006. I would like to attempt to purchase a new automobile. What steps should I take??? Obtain my FICO score first, apply for auto loans?? Let the dealer deal with it?? Thanks"
How do I get a collection account off my credit report after I dispute it?
And I am willing to pay them but the thing is (and I can't stress enough how I didn't know the first thing about credit) I let family members put a utility or two in my name for their home and it was to be temporary only to find out it was longer than that. And since they won't help out and pay it's up to me :(
Where can I get a $600 loan?
Hey I'm David Fultz from Detroit, MI & I own a small online business. I make $750 per week & I don't have a bank account so I was wondering where I could get a $600 loan. It's not an emergency or anything I just want to go shopping earlier than I planned & help establish some credit. Thank You"
"What can a loan shark do if i don't pay, legally wise.?"
Like a dumbass I borrowed from a hispanic loan shark, a friend was going to help me pay him off this week, but backed out last minute. Now he's hassling and wants his money but I'm scared and don't know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated. Yes, i know i was stupid for borrowing from a loan shark, but circumstances made me desperate in the beginning."
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
My husband and I are considering filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. We have debt we cannot pay back, 7 dependents, and numerous medical bills from when my son was born 2 months ago. I see chapter 7 bankruptcy is for liquidating assets. Other than our house, van, and furniture we have no other assets. Will we qualify for Chapter 7? Also, will we be able to keep our house if we can keep making payments on it?"
How do i go about refinancing my auto loan?
So, I live in Florida and ive had my car for 2 years now with a loan with 13.9% interested. Yes i know this is really high :(. Ive had my car payments coming directly out of my paychecks, so i have never missed or been late on any payment. I checked my credit score a few months ago and its about 690-700. I am looking to refinance my car to get a lower interest rate, but i dont know exactly what that means or how to do it. From what i understand, to refinance i would take out a loan with a lower interest rate to pay off the rest of the balance owed on my high interest loan, so i will be left owing the same amount of money but with a lower interest rate. Is that correct? If so, that seems pretty simple as long as i can get approved for another loan. Is there anything else i need to know before i d o this? I owe about 9K on my current loan. Thanks for all inputs and advice."
Ex Wife Files Bankruptcy: I loose my car?
The note for the truck was in both of our names that is why it was taken because of the bankruptcy. The gentleman who came for the truck showed me the bankruptcy order. I was not late on payments and had stellar history with the finance company for the nearly two years I had the truck. Had I known at the time that this was going to have such an impact on my credit, I would have sought help in 2006 however I've learned from this mistake and now simply need help on how to rectify this situation so I can restore my credit."
Is myflixhd legit? it asks for your credit card number.?
Is myflixhd legit? it asks for your credit card number.?
Can property taxes on your home be claimed on a bankruptcy?
I owe a full year of property tax on my home along with credit cards. can this tax be discharged i live in johnston ri m
How do credit cards / credit work?
Let me know if I got this down correctly: You get a credit card, each card/bank/program has different interest rates and rewards. Your credit card has a limit, ie 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, etc You can buy anything you want but it cannot exceed your credit limit per month (does it reset?) At the end of the month you get billed in installments, like if you buy a TV for 1,000 dollars, you pay 50~ dollars a month for like 6 years until it's paid off? Not sure if I have it correctly and I have a few questions: Specifically credit limits; how does that work? Is it cumulative and resets each month? (like does it add up, and max out at 1,000 and I can't use it until the next month?) Or is my limit the maximum amount I can charge on a single purchase? If I pay my monthly bill in full each month, my credit will grow, regardless of what I purchased? (ie, do lenders look at what I purchased, or just that I paid it all on time?) What's the minimum payment per month I can make without it adversely affecting my score?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.