Jerin Javab
Lifting Engineer- LOLER Competent Person(LCP), APLO-LEEA, APLO-NPORS, NEBOSH
Fatalities and dangerous occurrences at work place involving lifting equipment are on the rise. Good practice and correct lifting methods can move large objects efficiently, safely and reduce manual handling operations. Incorrect lifting methods however, can lead to major accidents and fatalities. Planning is an essential component in every lifting operation at all workplaces to reducing risk at source is one of the components to improving workplace and worksite safety.
Let’s say H4W is the minimum requirements for planning a good lift or How can we do a good lift?
H4W is a question answer method for making a good lift planning, which offer guidance for the organization, lifting object, assessment, planning, equipment, personal, implementation, safe system of work etc.
1.?????? What?
2.?????? Where?
3.?????? When?
4.?????? Who?
1.?????? What?
From this question, you can understand the characteristics of the object that you are going to lift. The most important thing that require to know is the weight and shape of the load, this information should be given at the earliest point in the planning stage, from this information that your crane selection will be made and all the planning around it. The other main characteristics are,
- the overall dimensions (length, width and depth).
- indication of the position of Centre of gravity.
- the lifting/slinging points.
- the height to which the load has to be lifted.
- the overall weight (load + all lifting accessories) etc.
2.?????? Where?
It is essential that a survey be conducted to establish what the ground conditions are, where it has to be lifted from and to, what the access route is like, etc. The site survey is an ideal time to begin a risk assessment of the proposed lifting operations that will be carried out. The aim of the risk assessment is to prevent incidents and/or accidents that arise from hazards during the lifting operations. The main points in this section are,
-????????? Access and egress for the load and equipment
-????????? Ensure that the ground beneath the crane can with stand the loads imposed by the crane during lifting.
-????????? Ground bearing pressure.
-????????? Excavations, Underground and overhead hazards
-????????? Boom clearance and radius
3.?????? When?
The importance of time when performing crane assembly and operations cannot be overstated. Various weather conditions can affect ground stability, visibility, communication, workers’ performance, grip in extreme circumstances and even lead to a crane overturning.
This is why it’s so important to include the time of lifting in the employer’s work plans. Although people working with cranes are regularly exposed to the elements and working in the rain or scorching heat is nothing new, sometimes it might be wise to consider if certain conditions are worth the risk. Wind is a major hazard that can disrupt and put a lifting operation at risk.
4.?????? Who?
Crane and accessories Selection: - Using the previously gathered information in conjunction with crane manufactures duty charts it will allow the selection of crane and accessories that is suitable with sufficient capacity to safely execute the lifting operation.
Personal selection: - Safe lifting operations depend on the selection of suitable personnel who are competent to carry out the required duties. Training can help to increase the awareness of risk associated with crane operations and jobsite safety of crane operations.
By completing the 4W, you will get a clear idea of what we are going to do. Idea about load, size, shape, location, equipment, accessories, personal, weather and other related risk and hazards.
Method statement with Engineering drawing: - According to these you can prepare Method statement for Lifting activity ensures that lifting, moving, and shifting materials at the project site are covered by a Safe System of Work. This is the best way to demonstrate that the risk associated has been carefully considered and appropriate controls have been implemented.
Risk assessment: - With the identified hazards, the risks posed by these hazards from the method statement can be reduced to as low as reasonably practical through the preparation and implementation risk assessment. The aim of the risk assessment is to prevent incidents and/or accidents that arise from hazards during the lifting operations.