How do CEO’s Learn From Failure
In June of 2021 I asked CEO’s in my LinkedIn network to?share their experiences with failure.
When I asked these CEO’s “Have you had more success or more failure in your life?” Only 25% felt they had more failure than success.
When I asked “What do you or other people misunderstand about failure?” Most said failure is a learning experience, not an attribute or conclusion of self or state.?
And finally, when asked “What is the most important thing you’ve learned from failure?”?60% attributed failure as an indicator of progression and the other 40% saw it as imperative to learning.
Based upon this small sample I could conclude that a CEO's sees themselves as having more success in life than failure, and that failure is essential, and even imperative to learning, which helps you progress or move forward.
Pro tip
Why knowing is only half the journey:
We learn from the book “Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard,” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, that?knowledge doesn’t change behavior.?Actually emotion is the biggest driver in change.?They use the metaphor of an elephant to represent emotion and a person riding the elephant as the rational mind attempting to direct behavior. As you can guess the elephant typically goes were it wants to.
“What is the most important thing you’ve learned from failure?”
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Read my groundbreaking book Learning Frames:
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