How to do an… autopsy?
Have you ever seen the TV show “Bones”?
Right now, it’s kinda the easy “go-to” show for my wife and I if we just want to relax and watch something. There’s like a million episodes, so it’s an easy thing to just kill some time with!
I promise I’m actually going somewhere with this…
The show pretty much goes like this: Find a body. Do an autopsy (see what killed them). Use that information to find the killer.
Image this alternate scenario:
They find a body, but instead of doing an autopsy to figure out what went wrong… they just skip that entirely and say this:
“Hmm… I wonder what happened to that guy? Oh well! I guess we will never know!”
That would make for a pretty terrible plot, right? It’s totally unbelievable and you would be left wondering why they didn’t even look to see what happened.
Well… we tend to do that to ourselves on a regular basis!
95% of people that begin a diet/exercise program FAIL before even completing the program.
They usually start the program, decide that it isn’t working, and immediately throw the entire thing out the window!
(By the way, if that sounds like you, I may be able to help! CLICK HERE to learn about getting a free 6 month plan)
Instead of tossing out the entire program, do an autopsy and find out what went wrong! More than likely, there’s just a missing piece or two! It’s probably not the entire system that’s messed up.
A huge part of my job is to do something I call a “Lifestyle Autopsy”. This is where the client tells me what is going wrong, THEN we pick apart the details until we find out what the real issue is!
It’s usually not until we take a deep dive into the clients lifestyle that we find what really went wrong and what caused them to fail before!
Here’s the point:
If something in your life is broken, don’t set the entire thing on fire! Take it apart piece by piece and find the real reason it isn’t working.
Don’t skip the autopsy! … or you’ll never find the real killer.
Have a Wonderful Day!