How do AI applications enable innovative user experience in mobile apps?
AI is no longer just for big giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. Like,?Siri: the AI-powered virtual assistant is one of Apple’s most popular AI applications.?Cortana?is another famous virtual assistant from Microsoft.
These apps are among the best AI apps, with millions of users worldwide. But, AI in business and mobile applications have much more functionality than just virtual assistants and chatbots.
Today, AI is available in the products and processes of most industries. Here, in this blog, let’s look at how AI applications enable innovative user experience in mobile apps. And how mobile app development with AI is particularly empowering different industries.
How has AI transformed the mobile app industry?
Artificial Intelligence or AI has evolved and gained popularity in the past decades. In the 1950s, experts performed scientific and academic research around AI. It was termed ‘thinking machines’ by Alan Turing in his?famous research paper.
However, there was not much progress in integrating Artificial Intelligence into mobile apps. Because of the lack of data for machines to learn about the real world. Also, the lack of funds and processing power contributed to the slow development of AI technology.
Today, Artificial Intelligence can definitely yield immense business value certainly by integrating it into your enterprise application development. AI applications have revolutionized the user experience in mobile apps.
According to?Gartner, the business value of AI will reach over 3 billion dollars within the next couple of years.
With the surge of rapid innovation, research as well as investment, Artificial Intelligence has become a viable business tool disrupting industries. An essential tool in?mobile app development?to empower enterprises.
If you’re wondering:
What is AI, and how does it work in mobile applications?
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer system or computer-controlled robot to display intelligence and stimulate human behaviour or thinking. In simple words, it is the ability of a system or program to think and learn from experience.
John McCarthy?defined Artificial Intelligence as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.”
An AI integrated app is trained using volumes of data and used to solve specific problems and perform complex tasks. It is, basically, a combination of Deep Learning and Machine learning.
Consequently, AI models have the capability to make intelligent decisions.
The Science Daily?journal defines Artificial Intelligence as “the study and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success.”
How does AI work in mobile applications?
Have you used automatic switching of lights at your home or office? Or the smart TV that identifies your voice and performs actions. These are some day-to-day examples of AI.
Similarly, mobile applications for various industries utilize AI in data visualization, speech recognition, real-time analytics, and more functionalities.
Most enterprises today are using AI in some way or the other. AI mobile apps are taking over in different industries.
A report suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) applications’ revenue will reach 126 billion dollars by 2025 worldwide. (Statista)
AI applications across industries
Most industries have utilized the predictive technology and intelligence of AI. Hence, the growing interest in Artificial Intelligence has shifted to being more industry-specific. For example, “AI in Manufacturing” is the most searched on Google.
Implementing and scaling AI in mobile app development has become an effective practice for generating business value. How can you incorporate AI in your?enterprise app development, UX design, and user interface of your app?
Especially, it depends on your industry-specific needs and trends. Let’s look at how AI applications are being utilized and their impact in different industries.
AI applications in healthcare
AI applications in finance
AI applications in e-commerce & retail
AI applications in manufacturing
AI applications in real-estate
The advancements in AI research and creative thinking to utilize AI in mobile apps will create successful apps across industries in particular. Most industries are tapping into the power of AI with the help of tech companies.
Big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon have facilitated such advancements. AI in different industries has addressed issues like data security, privacy, compliances, and regulations.
Although the benefits of AI have been utilized in the mobile app industry, there are certain challenges too. Like the high costs of integrating AI into apps, the knowledge of technology, and finding expert developers for the app deployment.
However, the adoption of AI in mobile apps is certainly the future in most industries.
Read our full article here:?How AI Applications Enable Innovative User Experience In Mobile Apps?