How do affirmations work in reality?

How do affirmations work in reality?

Yes of course Affirmations do work. If you repeat Affirmations on daily basis they connect to the subconscious mind so that actions can be aligned which leads to successful Manifestation. I prefer speaking Affirmations specifically before sleeping and after waking up as at that time subconscious mind is highly active and can reap better results. Using Affirmations for health purposes is one of the very effective method of manifesting good health. Remember to use positive emotions in your Affirmations and be grateful at same time. Eg : I am so blessed and grateful that I am healthy whole and complete.

Journalizing these Affirmations is also effective method but usually people get distracted while writing and unable to focus with positive feelings and thoughts. So therefore I prefer speaking these affirmations twice a day with positive intention and thoughts. I believe affirmations can be incredibly powerful if they move, uplift or inspire you in some way. I would personally only work with affirmations that were worded in a way that felt natural for me to use. I would also always use them in conjunction with a powerful feeling that the outcome you desire has already been resolved within you!

Affirmations are meant to work and it does when you reinforce them in your thinking. When your mind is filled with positive affirmations it helps to send positive energy through your body. This energy helps to heal some illnesses. The thing is we live in a very negative world and most at times your family or friends don't tell you uplifting things about yourself. It is very easy for the mind to accept and dwell on the negatives. If you grew up in an abusive home and come to accept the negative things that were said about you and is impacting your life in a way you don't like, affirmations is a great tool to recondition your mind.

For example, let's say you grew up believing and accepting that you're a shy and weak person. A declaration to recondition your mind would be “I am a confident person. I have an excellent self esteem". The thing is you want to say this every morning and evening for a year. When you do this consistently, you start to believe it. Your way of thinking and talking would change. I am a testament to this. You would come to a point that when you listen to others talk, you would begin to wonder to yourself why is this person so negative.

Positive affirmations helps to heal the mind and body. Say good things to yourself and declare what you want to see in your life. Write down about 10 affirmations and read them aloud every morning and evening for a year or two.

Examples could be:

I am people person

I am amazing

I am successful

I am confident

I am courageous

I am caring

I am attracting an awesome partner

I am a giver

I am a warrior

I am intelligent

Tell me how many persons would say this kind of things to you daily? Since your big or small mouth is not sealed, use it to your advantage. When you're declaring this amazing phrases, add some passion to them and come back here and comment on your good result.

I believe in the power of positive affirmations, but only when they arise from a place of truth…Because the universe always reflects back to us what we actually feel and not what we say, simply repeating affirmations will not change our reality, unless we first believe the words to be true. So the affirmations serve to remind/ stir up what you should already know to be true when the current reality is making you doubt yourself. Affirmations can be pivotal when one feels destabilized and needs a way to encourage and comfort him/herself. As they are repeated, they can help shift a person’s mindset from one of turmoil and victimhood to thoughts/feelings of confidence and empowerment.

Getting into the habit of repeating expressions such as: “I have nothing to fear” “I am enough” “I don’t need people’s approval” “It’s okay to make a mistake” helps solidify these beliefs in our minds so they can be more easily leaned on during times of emotional weakness. Affirmations can be made in any format that is ideal in the moment. I tend to “think” positive affirmations mostly, but I can write or say them depending on what feels best at the time. It really doesn’t matter how you apply affirmations, it matters if you believe them or not.

It might seem as fantasy but that is the reality; when you start imaging and believing something, there comes the day when that something appears or happens. It is our own energy along with that of the universe which starts building a reality in the physical world. Unfortunately, affirmations are in reality a doubled-sword weapon for whatever you start believing it will happen; good or bad. There are those who start saying that they are sick as soon as they hear about a new illnesses and they start imaging that the sickness goes through their body and one day they are in fact sick. There those who start saying that they are lonely and that nobody wants them and one day suddenly; they become undoubtable. When it comes to affirmation; your affirmations will not distinguish whether they are positive or negative or whether they are the best for you. It will happen regardless of what it is. Cheers!

Hakeem S

Freelancer foreign language trainer

2 年

Thanks for posting Mr.Kishore



