How to do a 2 dimensional lookup in Excel
Kapil Kapur
75 Written Linkedin testimonials describing how I help clients manage their data and workflows more effectively using Filemaker Pro (stop #hellwithexcel).
In Microsoft Excel, it is comparatively straightforward to do a 1 dimensional lookup using the functions HLOOKUP or VLOOKUP as appropriate:-
so using (in this case) a vlookup function:-
What happens when we have a TWO dimensional array:-
and we want to determine the numberr of boats in March 2008 ?
So we start by adding two drop downs to specify the mode of transport and the month that we need :-
- Array_Range is the range in Excel of the two dimensional array – in this case $B$4:$H$7
- Row Number is the position in the list where we find the word “Boat” - in this case is 1
- Col Number is the position in the list where we find our month “Mar-08”
Of course the only thing left to do is to determine the Row and Column Number. This is done by using the MATCH function – this returns the position of a string within a range of values :-
MATCH(“String”, Range,0) – gives us the position of “String” in the array “Range” and the 0 states that we want an exact match. So we are looking for the position of Boats in the range {Boats, Cars, Planes , Lorries} – which is 1. This will give the row number :-
For the column number
And then we combine all these into one function :-
To give the value of 79 for boats in March 2008 :-
About the author
Kapil Kapur is the Managing Director of Fingertips Intelligence who help their clients manage their information more effectively. If you would like an informal chat about how we can help your business then please get in touch on 0845 163 0149.
Business owner at TenderAPI
9 年Hi Kapil KapurKapur really nice article, I will bookmark this.