How To Distinguish Between Acetate Frames And Injection Frame?
Can you figure out which one is acetate and which is injection frame from the above photo?
After finishing this article, you may find answer.
There are mainly five ways to distinguish acetate frame with injection frame.
1/The color of the acetate frame is generally the original one (already with different colors and patterns after purchasing from the acetate factory), and it does not need to be dyed or sprayed to have the color. Some acetate sheets have 2 layers and 3 layers of color. Each layer of color have a certain thickness; the thickness of the color sprayed on the surface of the injection frame is far less than that of the acetate (acetate can not be sprayed with color);
2/Cut out a section of the acetate frame with a knife. The color of the acetate will be through the whole section, but the general injection frame is injection with transparent or other colors, and then spray color on its surface. (If the acetate and injection frames are both transparent, it needs to be distinguished by another method);
3/Generally, the surface of the acetate frame cannot be sprayed with color (the adhesion test fails), and the injection frame is mainly sprayed with color. Even if the color is not sprayed, the surface will be sprayed with a thin layer of bright or mat oil layer. Usually, close the temples, there will be a thin color layer from the temple head, the thickness of this color layer is very thin, generally not more than 0.1mm, and there is generally a little oil accumulation on the temples head(after spraying, the liquid color layer flows unevenly, and if the spray is too much, it will gather in a certain part of the opening and closing position of the temple head, the surrounding area is a little brighter, and the middle is a little mat), but the acetate frame will not have this problem.
4/Almost all the nose pad of the acetate frame is transparent. I won't say 100%, but at least 99%. But the injection frame's nose pad is 100% injected with color.
5/Newly made acetate frame will have a sour smell.Because it's raw material is with a sour smell.
Three frames in the first photo. Only B is the acetate frame.
Have you guessed it right?
Eric Wu
Ningshing Industrial