How to dissolve burnout and feel better now
Photo Credit Vesky / Unsplash

How to dissolve burnout and feel better now

The feeling of being burned out is becoming more and more common in the world today. More and more people are looking for an answer to this phenomenon that diminishes productivity, creativity, and feelings of wellness. As a society we are far more aware of our mental wellbeing than ever before in history.?

So why can’t we agree on a one solution to dissolving burnout for good? There seems to be a million and one things you can do to help when feeling burned out. But none of them seem to really stick. Tools and techniques just add on to our already ‘overwhelming’ to do list.

You can meditate but as soon as you go back to work the feeling returns. You can go on vacation, but what happens when you go back to work? You can practise mindfulness, but what do you do when you actually have to focus on your work? You can distract yourself from the feeling but you can’t do that forever.

The answer to burnout is actually very simple. It does not require techniques or tools or overarching lifestyle changes. It’s simply a matter of understanding what burnout really is and what it is not.

Burnout is a feeling. You can’t show me burnout. You can’t put it in a cup or bucket. It’s not a thing. It’s a feeling. And what are feelings made out of? Thought.

Burnout is an innocent misunderstanding of the power of Thought.?

We are living in the feeling of our thinking, not our circumstances.?

Wait, how does that work?

When your thinking is going too fast, you get overwhelmed and your body responds by making you feel “burned out”. This is a signal for you to recognize that your engine is running too hot and that we need to slow down.

Burnout is simply a signal from our body that you need to slow down for a bit and re-center. It’s like when you accidentally put your hand on a hot stove, your body responds immediately that this is dangerous. That’s how your mind works.

How does this help?

When you can see that burnout is actually coming from within (your thinking) and see that it’s not a result of outside circumstances, you stop trying to manage, change or cope with your circumstances. Your circumstances are generally neutral, it’s your innocent reaction to your sped-up thinking that causes you to feel stressed and worried.

So if the solution is seeing that burnout is coming from you and not your circumstances (your work, partner, traffic, boss, team, the weather, pandemic, and life in general)... what do you do next?

You slow down. When you slow down and your engine gets a chance to cool off, all of your systems return to normal.

Creativity returns. Productivity returns. Feelings of wellbeing returns. Clarity returns. Confidence returns. All these things are built into our system.

How do you slow down? You disengage from your busy thinking. You stop getting tangled in your not-so-nice thinking and you let it pass.

When it rains heavily, what does traffic do? It slows down. People just know that driving too fast

in the rain is generally a bad idea. You can’t see straight, and the roads are slippery. When the rain clears and you can see clearly, you can speed up again to normal cruising speed.

It can’t be that simple? Can it? ….yeah it is.

I once spoke to a CEO who is a well known figure in the media. He is famous for growing two companies from zero to 7x Figures in the tech industry. I shared about his experiences of ‘burn-out’. He spoke about burnout like “red-lining”. Red lining means when you step on the accelerator of your car and you rev the engine above its rated maximum rpm. If you do that long enough and often enough, you will damage the engine. Human beings are like that too.

He shared how he redlined his companies and himself off the cliff many many times. It resulted with strained relationships with his partner, his family, and his team. He made poor business decisions that put his businesses in a lot of difficult circumstances. He wasn’t able to be the best leader he could be because he was too caught up in his own thinking. He felt overwhelmed and burnt out most of the time and worst of all… he couldn’t tell anyone because it would be showing weakness. This only added to the stress and pressure.

Eventually things hit a critical point where he asked to leave one of the companies he started. He was forced to really slow down, reflect and reinvent himself.?

Clarity came to him when we slowed down and he could see clearly. He tapped back into his inner wisdom and it led him to some amazing career opportunities that resulted in more money and bigger levels of impact. His major setback was life forcibly making him slow down so he could reset.

When you don’t listen to life, life gets loud.

You don’t have to wait for life to hand you a major setback for you to slow down and reset. You just have to slow down, let yourself and your mind settle and allow yourself to tap back into your inner wisdom.

When you can really see this for yourself, you become more resilient to stress, you become infinitely more creative, you are more energized, you become a significant resource for your team and family.

And that is what I wish for you, sincerely.

If you need help with this send me a message on facebook . I have a 1-1 program designed to help you dissolve burnout, transform your relationship with fear, doubt and worry. It'll also bring you online to your FULL range of power as well; creativity, intuitiveness, productivity, decision making, and well-being.

I’ll help you learn how to thrive with less stress, less pressure, less effort and a lot more grace. It’s 4x Months. It’s deep and it’s highly transformative. Fees start at 8k USD.?

When you message me, we’ll have a quick chat to see if you are a good fit for the program. The program starts the moment you pay the fees. People who have been a great fit for this program are high-achievers who own businesses, are executive leaders, and are interested in spending more time being at their best most of the time.

