How to disinfect home after cold or flu.

How to disinfect home after cold or flu.

As we bid farewell to the winter chill and embrace the warm sunshine of summer, prioritizing hygiene becomes paramount. While we focus on personal hygiene and wellness practices, one aspect that often gets overlooked is disinfecting our living spaces. Don't underestimate the power of a clean-living space to prevent the spread of germs and keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy during the end of cold and flu season. Here are some effective ways to disinfect your home and ensure a healthy transition into the warmer months.

Why do we need to disinfect our homes?

Both the common cold and flu are infectious respiratory ailments triggered by viruses. Although colds typically manifest mild symptoms, they can escalate to severe complications in individuals with compromised immune systems, asthma, or underlying health issues.

Following an illness, it is vital to sanitize the surfaces you have come into contact with to mitigate the risk of transmitting the illness to others.

  • Cold viruses can survive on surfaces for about 7 days, although their potency diminishes after the initial 24 hours.
  • When on hands, cold germs can survive for up to one hour.
  • The influenza virus has a lifespan of 24 to 48 hours on hard surfaces.
  • The coronavirus can remain viable anywhere from a few hours to several days.
  • Bacterial strains like E. coli and Salmonella typically last only 20 minutes but can endure for up to four hours on hard surfaces.
  • Clostridium difficile can survive for as long as 5 months on such surfaces.

How do we disinfect our homes?

To reduce the risk of viral transmission during and after cold and flu season, consider these thorough cleaning tips:

  1. Isolate Sick Individuals.

Keep sick individuals confined to a separate room to reduce exposure to germs for others. Utilize Sterillium hand rub to maintain hand hygiene and minimize the spread of illness within the isolated environment.

  1. Prepare and Maintain Your Cleaning and Disinfection Supplies

Ensure you have essential cleaning items like disinfectant sprays and wipes to effectively combat cold and flu viruses. Maintain stock of the following disinfectants:?


  1. Regularly Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

Prioritize disinfecting surfaces like countertops, doorknobs, and other high-touch areas with Sterismart surface disinfectant, to minimize germ spread. Sterismart's potent formula, featuring a combination of three alcohols, swiftly kills infection-causing germs in just 25 seconds.? Use Bacillo floor to effectively clean and disinfect floors. It contains corrosion inhibitors to protect surfaces and leaves behind a pleasant fragrance, enhancing the overall cleaning experience.

  1. Practice Hand Hygiene

Practice good hygiene by following proper handwashing techniques, covering coughs and sneezes, and wearing a mask when sick to prevent germ spread. Consider using hand rub like Sterillium when hands are not visibly soiled, ensuring comprehensive hand hygiene.

  1. Pay Attention to Laundry

Combat the spread of illness by laundering patients' towels, bedding, and clothes with Linotox. Its powerful formula not only cleanses and disinfects but also effectively eliminates odors.

  1. Dispose of Items When Necessary

Replace toothbrushes regularly to prevent the accumulation and spread of germs, particularly during periods of illness when individuals may be more susceptible to infection.

  1. Ensure Clean Air

Prioritize respiratory health by ensuring proper ventilation through wide-open windows. This practice facilitates the removal of indoor pollutants, fostering a fresher indoor environment and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.?

Prevention is better than cure.

Maintaining a clean home is an essential step in staying safe and healthy. By following these tips, you can create a clean and healthy environment for yourself and your loved ones, allowing everyone to recover and bounce back quickly.



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