How to Discover Your Work Values
Do you long for a more successful and fulfilling career? Then, you need to make sure your values are aligned with your work as well as your organization's culture. Your values play a crucial role in building your dream career because they are your inner guide; always ready to give you clarity, meaning, and direction. Also called “principles,†your main values can be family, fun, and adventure, whereas for someone else, they can be social impact and justice. They are strictly personal and can be anything. For example, a value of mine is “Think & Play Big.â€
But how can you identify core values? First, you can learn many things about your values by simply looking at your role models, positive and negative ones.
Positive Role Models
i. Make a list of people who are now, or were in the past, where you want to be. Who inspires you? What qualities do you admire about them?
ii. Who do you envy? What are the qualities of those people that you want to have?
These values must be based on “beingâ€â€”not “having.†For example, you don’t admire your role models just because they have three villas and five jets. Admire them for their skills, virtues, talents, qualities, and mindset. That’s who they are, their “being.â€
Negative Role Models
i. Who would you never want to be?
ii. Who do you really despise? What are the characteristics you despise about them? Write them down. Then, flip them to their opposites. These are your values! For example, if you dislike someone because they’re racist, the opposite of racism could be inclusion, respect for people, and so on. So, inclusion and respect for people would be values of yours. If you dislike someone who’s rude, perhaps your values are respect and courtesy, and so on.
Past Jobs and Roles
You can also find out quite a few things about your values from the things you loved and disliked in all your previous jobs and roles.
i. What did you love and despise about each job over the course of your career? Try to remember ridiculous details about the characteristics and activities. Ask yourself aloud the questions “What did I love about it?†and “What did I despise or dislike about it?†This way, you’ll dig into yourself and get to your core values. Remember to flip the negative conclusions to their opposites—your values—as you did before.
ii. What are all your previous accomplishments? What are the things that made you feel great about them?
iii. Ask yourself aloud: a) “What do I not like about my current job or role now?†Reverse the final conclusion to the core value. b) “What do I love about my current job or role now?â€
Know What You Don’t Want
The more clarity you have about what you don’t want in your life and career, the more you can learn about what you truly want. So, ask yourself out loud the following questions:
? What do I not want?
? What are the things I dislike about the things I don’t want?
? What exactly do I dislike about them?
? What bothers me?
? What’s the most horrible version of my life?
? What do I really despise?
? What do I really despise seeing other people doing?
Know What You Truly Want
Knowing what you don’t want is not enough for you to discover your core values, although it’s the first step for clarity. So, ask yourself out loud the following questions:
? What do I really want?
? What inspires me?
? What’s the most inconceivable, the most unbelievable version of my life?
? What do I love seeing people doing?
Great job! Now, I want you to relax for the following exercises. Go find a specific place or a room in your home where you feel relaxed and have full privacy. Take the body posture that you’re most comfortable with. Again, make sure you take away any existing or potential distractions.
On the count of three, take two deep breaths with me. Okay? Let’s go. One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Inhale . . . Exhale. Once more. Inhale . . . Exhale . . . I want you to relax . . . You are fully relaxed . . . right now . . . Great.
The Last Survivor
Imagine that a meteorite, even more powerful than the one that eradicated dinosaurs, strikes Earth. Just like the dinosaurs, humans are wiped out from the map of evolution . . . except you!
In the beginning, you feel, at the very least, desperate. You wish you were dead, too. “It would have been so much better,†you say. You scream with all your strength, “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!†Now you’re out of breath. You hear nothing but silence . . .
In the midst of the chaos and desperation, suddenly, you hear a strange voice. You don’t know if you have actually heard it or if it’s in your head. “Build it as you wish,†it says. “You have all the power to do so,†it adds.
“What’s this now? Seriously?†you think and just ignore the voice. A few seconds later, it pops up again! “Build it as you wish. You have all the power to do so.â€
“What the hell? I mean, I’m already in hell! Don’t make it worse!†you say to yourself, and ignore the voice once more.
A few minutes pass by. “Build it as you wish. You have all the power to do so,†the voice says again.
But this time, you pay attention. You listen to it carefully. You feel confused . . .
A few hours later, surprisingly, like magic, you’ve now got an insight! “Aha!†you say. You just realized your true power. Your body is strong, and you know you can do this: build the New World. You know that there are no restrictions and limitations to your power now. Now you know that you are the creator of the New World. Now you know that Earth is in your hands. It’s your full responsibility. You are responsible for both the survival and prosperity of humanity and all life on the planet.
On what values and principles will you build the New World?
Take your time here to fully imagine.
What's popping into your head?
What have you just realized about yourself?
Excellent job! Give yourself a high five and say, “I’m amazing!†Now, on the count of three, take again two deep breaths. Okay? Let’s go. One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Inhale . . . Exhale. Once more. Inhale . . . Exhale . . . I want you to relax . . . You are fully relaxed . . . right now . . .
The Next Generation
Imagine that all the nations consented to form one universal government. Imagine that you’re a member of the global government. That’s right! You have been assigned to be the head of the World’s Ministry of Education. Congratulations! It’s a tough role, but I’m sure you’ll do a wonderful job!
Your responsibility is to create and establish the foundations of global education for generations to come. You know that every nation has its own unique culture and that every individual is unique and one of a kind. You also know that the educational foundations you’ll establish will respect people’s culture and individuality. So, you need to design principles and values based on the entire world’s prosperity and progress, and generally anything that allows life to flourish.
By the way, I forgot to tell you. You have children and grandchildren! Don’t worry. You still look great!
What values and principles will your children, grandchildren, and the next generation learn?
Take your time here to fully imagine.
What's popping into your head?
What have you just realized about yourself?
Now, identify common patterns and themes in your previous answers. Once you do so, narrow them down to your top 5 values.
How aligned are they with your daily tasks at work?
How aligned are they with your colleagues' behavior and mindset?
What are your biggest takeaways? I'd love to know in the comments below!
For more insights on how to discover your values, check out the book “Find Your Passion: How to Create a Career with More Success and Fulfillment, where I introduce a step-by-step guide on how to create a more successful and fulfilling career.