How to discover your life purpose in 9 action steps by using the elimination method?

How to discover your life purpose in 9 action steps by using the elimination method?

You are the highest living form of the Divine creation who is Divinely equipped with infinite intelligence and one definite purpose to experience a meaningful or purposeful life on this planet "Earth" in human experience. You need to understand the fact that you are responsible in charge to script the quality of your life and nobody else gonna eat for you, dream for you, act for you and breath for you except yourself. When you realize that your existing passion is not allowing you to experience a self-fulfilled life then you must dare to do something different to discover your true passion and core purpose of life. If you keep doing what you have been doing for the last several years then you will experience the same quality of life as you were experiencing like before.

The majority of the people are living their lives in misery or crisis because they are unable to identify their true passion and core purpose of their life due to the lack of the right level of awareness regarding their own hidden greatness. In fact, everyone is divinely gifted with unique talents, intelligence, and one definite purpose but you have to take persistent action to discover them into your true passion and core purpose of life. This planet is filled with over 7 billion people but there are only 3% to 5% of the total population who are able to discover their true passion and core purpose of their life and living the destined version of their life.

There are 9 ways to discover your core passion and life purpose for living a happy, vibrant and self-fulfilled life. They are explained below:-

1. Practice meditation to explore your inner world for gaining more clarity and focus.

Whatever you desire to be, do or have into your physical experience exists within you. In fact, meditation is the best spiritual technique which can help to acquaint with your authentic-self which is the solid foundation for discovering your true passion and life purpose. Your physical self is not who you are but your eternal self is who you are as per the higher dimension of your spiritual existence. 

You need to get guided by your spiritual self to live a purposeful and self-fulfilled life. You just need to practice a focused meditation by using breathing technique every day then you can harmonize your thought, emotion, and action in a positive manner. When your thought, emotion, and action are in a positive manner then you can discover your true passion and life purpose with ease.

2. Feed your mind with positive mental nutrition to access your logical intelligence.

Your mind is the source for altering your quality of life to a higher dimension. Once you refer quality books and detach yourself from all negativity then your mind can be utilized, capitalized and materialized in a most effective manner while discovering your true passion and core purpose of life. Your mind can be more creative and can help to explore more about your hidden greatness once you feed it with positive mental nutrition on a regular basis. Your mind can activate your logical intelligence which can help to discover your true passion and core purpose during the discovery phase.

3. Associate with only like-minded quality people to acquaint with your positive traits.

When you detach yourself from all negative toxic people and associate with only like-minded quality people then you can expand your awareness regarding your own hidden greatness. The positive like-minded people can see the greatness in you which can't be seen by yourself. You must have the curiosity or intention to discover your true passion and core purpose of life whenever you spend your quality time with your like-minded quality circle. Every positive individual has their own unique talents, passion, and purpose which can help you to discover your talents, passion, and purpose in life as well.

4. Read the biographies of great achievers who really motivates you.

The best way to acquaint with your hidden greatness, passion, and purpose of life can be experienced by referring to the biographies of the great achievers. When you go through the great achievers' biographies on a daily basis then their life story will inspire you to explore deeper within yourself for discovering your true passion and the core purpose of life. 

You can learn some valuable lessons from their life experiences to discover your passion and purpose of life through your own persistent commitment. Every great achiever has their own way to deal with the circumstances and people to discover their true passion and the core purpose of life. You must make a note while reading their life story which can help to script the destined version of your own life story.

5. Learn and educate yourself by taking courses or attend seminar events that motivate you:-

You can discover your true passion and core purpose of life easily once you keep learning and educating yourself by taking courses or attending any live seminar events which really motivates you on a daily basis. When you invest in yourself to expand your awareness then you can be mentally and emotionally capable enough to identify your passion and purpose of your life with ease. You must explore the external world for your positive growth then it can help to acquaint with your true passion and the core purpose of your life.

6. Be in the flow and experience anything you are intuitively guided to do without any self-doubt.

Your life purpose is like an onion and you have to uncover your various layers to discover your core purpose of life. You can't just discover your passion and life purpose overnight rather you have to be in the flow and every experience in life will give you a clue to discover your passion and purpose. You just need to have a clear intention and focus to discover your core passion and life purpose while experiencing positive or negative experiences on the highway of your life. 

Never be the victim of fear of failure and just keep exploring more persistently to acquaint with your hidden talents, passion, creativity and core purpose of life being optimistic. If possible launch yourself at the marketplace and do some volunteering works which really interests you and keep following your intuitive guidance system while doing them. You need to understand the fact that every experience is a learning experience.

7. Ask your friends, families or professors regarding "what you were/are good at ?"

The feedback from others regarding your traits can give you some insights and ideas to identify your talents, passion, and purpose of life. You can ask with your family, friends and college professors regarding what you were good at as per their opinions. You just need to ask them what really reminds them when they think of you. You can ask with your current colleagues at workplace or friends or families regarding your current traits or what you are good at too for authentic results. 

Once you gather such feedback from them then it can help to discover your true passion and core purpose of life with ease. Actually, you can't see what others can see the greatness that lies within you. Suppose if they give feedback regarding your helping attitude then it can be a positive clue for discovering your core purpose of life. You have to give your best possible effort to gather such information from the people who know you very well for so long since their opinions regarding your talent, interest, attitude or passion do matter a lot.

8. Practice the "Elimination Method".

When you expand your awareness by exploring your inner world and external world then you have to apply the "Elimination method" that can help to discover your true passion and the core purpose of life. You have to go through several steps for identifying your divinely seeded passion and purpose that exists within you. This method requires your logical intelligence, emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence which are the solid foundation for discovering your true passion and the core purpose of your life. The elimination method helps to eliminate the least important passions through certain techniques. 

You can come to a final conclusion regarding your one ultimate passion once you practice this technique with the right level of awareness being patient. You can write 5 random passions on a 5 piece of paper. When you take 5 pieces of paper and write such eye-opening questions then you can be able to open your eyesight and mind-sight wider to discover your true passion and core purpose of your life faster. This exercise can be a life-altering technique to experience a destined version of your purposeful life. You just need to ask these questions and write 5 things that you really come naturally without any second thoughts. 

a- What are the things that I would love to do the entire life without any mental stress?

b- What are the things that can help to experience a happy and self-fulfilled life?

c- What are the best ways to make a huge difference in others lives?

d- What are the things that come naturally and easily to me?

e. What are the things that can reflect my soul?

Step I. Take a deep breath and sit comfortably on the floor and take 5 sheets of paper to write down on each paper whatever comes in your mind naturally without having a second thought after asking yourself the above questions. Whatever comes naturally and easily in your mind should be written on each paper by numbering it from 1-5 ( FOR EXAMPLE -1. motivating people, 2. dancing, 3. playing guitar, 4. playing soccer, 5. studying physics.). 

Step II. Write about your past and current interest, intelligence, skills, academic accomplishments relating to each passion on those 5 pieces of paper. You must write detailed information on each paper being honest which can help to gain more clarity regarding your core passion. You just need to be very consciously aware and honest while practicing this step.

Step III. You must create a vision board where you can stick all those 5 lists of passions with detail information as stated. Put a picture of yourself, your ideal person and the picture of your God or you can put the picture of the cosmos if you believe in the Universe. Once you create a vision board then keep observing your vision board on a daily basis as many times as possible for a few days. You have to practice visualization being in a meditative state and visualize these lists of 5 passions separately. When you practice visualization on each passion then follow your emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence regarding each passion. You can print out your vision board and snap in your cell phone too for faster results.

You have to observe your vision board being in a quiet location and emotionalize each passion from your deep within before practicing meditation. Once you internalize and emotionalize your vision board then you can practice a meditation which can help to access your intuitive intelligence. You can align with your eternal self through meditation which can guide you intuitively for making a conscious wise decision. In fact, meditation practice can detach you from all your thought chattering, negative thoughts, and negative experiences. This kind of spiritual practice can expand your awareness regarding your hidden greatness which can be the greatest clues for discovering your core passion out of 5 passions listed on your vision board.

You must spend some quality time alone with Nature for connecting with the Universe intelligence. Nature itself is the greatest source of positive energy which can help to access your soul energy too. You need to practice this nature alignment technique by observing nature being alone as it is without being judgmental. While observing the beauty of nature, just visualize the lists of 5 passions as per your vision board. You must visualize yourself being in each professional job situation in an advance and observe how you feel emotionally as well as intuitively. You just need to give attention to all the experiences of each passion while visualizing alone in nature, just try to identify which passion makes you feel so connected and self-fulfilled. You must follow your emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence during this nature alignment process which will help you to discover your true passion effectively.

Step IV. In this step, you must follow your logical intelligence, emotional intelligence, and intuitive intelligence wisely for eliminating the least important passions based on the information extracted from your step III. You must observe your vision board and compare it with the outcomes you experience through visualization, meditation and nature alignment technique. You have to rate each passion on a scale of 1-10 by asking yourself this question "How I feel emotionally and intuitively while practicing visualization, meditation and nature alignment technique on each passion".

Suppose you rate motivating people-10 out of 10, dancing- 8 out of 10, playing guitar- 1 out of 10, playing soccer- 3 out of 10. studying physics- 5 out of 10. You can eliminate 3 passions instantly which are least important to you after practicing the rating scale method and you have to remove these 3 passions from your vision board too. This technique is mainly practiced by the help of your emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence which are the highest form of intelligence regulated by your soul.

Step V. Once you eliminate 3 passions in step IV then you have to practice the same techniques on 2 of your top rated passions since they have slight difference as per the rating scale points. You have to keep practicing visualization technique, meditation technique and nature alignment technique to get an intuitive signal from your soul which is the source of all physical existence. You just need to visualize by putting yourself in both professional life situation in an advance and feel like you are already a motivation coach in one situation and dancer in another situation.

Step VI. This is your final step where you have to follow your emotional intelligence and intuitive intelligence for making a conscious wise decision regarding your final passion which can be your life purpose. Suppose, if you see yourself working as a motivation coach or dancer for the rest of your life in an advance then how you feel emotionally and intuitively. You can get an intuitive signal once you practice visualization, meditation and nature alignment technique focusing on these two passions.

This is a very confidential step where you have to remind the feedback regarding what you were good at in the past and what you are good at now as per the opinions of your friends, family, colleagues or professors. Once you find that your helping, comforting and empowering others types of traits are more noticed than your dancing skills then motivating people is your passion and making a positive difference in others' lives is your core purpose of life. You need to have some patience while discovering your true passion and core purpose of life rather than being desperate while practicing this elimination method.

9. Do some research once you discover your true passion and life purpose.

You can have some research online or you can ask some queries with a professional motivation coach who is well established in their coaching business. Once you are able to gather some relevant information regarding motivation coaching then it can be the solid foundation for building your own professional career in motivation coaching. Your core purpose of life is to make a huge difference in others lives through motivating and empowering them. 

At the same time, you can utilize, capitalize and materialize your second passion which is dancing by investing your 20% of your time on this passion which can generate extra income for your financial life. This part-time profession can utilize your gifted talents and you can feel more self-fulfilled in life. But if you find that you are strongly driven for motivating and empowering people only then you can work as a motivation coach full time.

Note: You must practice everything in your action being disciplined then you can discover your true passion and core purpose of life. I hope whoever is lost and stuck in their life can discover their passion and life purpose with ease by applying this action-oriented technique.

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