How to Discipline when in Diabetes!
Tranquil Trove
I help you transform your life by bringing the best in you. CEBT REBT PSYCHOTHERAPY PROFESSIONAL Accredited certification in professional psychotherapy
Its lately {in December} when a diabetic patient approached for counselling and said he discovered that his weight was increasing even after taking care of the basic diet. He weighed 101kgs. I went through his reports and asked him to consult a Diabetologist. He replied he is getting depressed and has already consulted the same but could see no changes. Its then I decided to help him and I started my own research on Diabetes and making notes on the diet, meal times and necessity of sleep and exercises.
90% of us know the basics while 10% are unaware; at the same time people who know the basics are not disciplined enough to follow what they know. The catch is "Failing to Plan is planning to fail"
If any one of you are going through similar kind of situation and needs personal assistance on the everyday discipline. Connect to me at TranquilTrove by just sending a message or join my link