How To Be A Director: Perfect the OOPS!
Lesson #7: A Director Will Make Mistakes
March 12, 2018 / Diane Dahlmann
Even though you are the director you will make mistakes.
Small ones.
Medium sized ones.
Large-scale flops and gigantic horrible smelly ones.
A mistake is positive proof that you are trying to do something.
Sometimes failure is part of the process, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
You’re human. You are not perfect.
So you’ve made a mistake, what should you do?
Admit that you erred.
Take ownership of your mess, regardless of the size of it. For goodness sakes, don’t try to cover it up and distribute blame. That just makes a mistake ugly or uglier than it’s already showing up to be.
Take the time to write down two things you have learned from your mistake (you can add more later.)
Try your best not to repeat the same mistake again.
It’s best and more efficient to profit from your mistake the first time it happens.
Forgive yourself with vigor.
Pick yourself up and get back in there. No pouting or sulking. There’s no time for that and it’s unproductive.
Get good at making mistakes, owning them and coming back smarter and stronger each and every time.