How To Be A Director #13 LISTEN
April 24, 2018 / Diane Dahlmann/2 minute read
A director must listen.
This is especially important in the first months on your new campus. Even if the campus isn’t new to you, more than likely the types of meetings and the people and the titles around the table have amped up.
Therefore, listening is even more important for you now.
Practice listening more than speaking.
It takes discipline to open your ears and not your mouth.
For some of us it is harder than for others; as a talker, I know.
Have you ever noticed that when a public servant is considering a run for elected office that they embark on a listening tour?
Have you ever asked yourself why they begin that way?
A listening tour allows the potential candidate to quietly introduce themselves to the public and to hear firsthand what’s on the minds of the people they may end up serving and representing in a larger forum.
It’s no different for a new director. You’re going to be serving and representing colleagues, issues, the profession, and constituents, just like say, a senator.
The first 90 days in your new directorship provides you with an ideal opportunity and environment for you to conduct your own personal campaign-style listening tour.
Announce it.
Make it an event.
Map it out not only for the department but for the campus and the community, as well.
It will be time and effort well spent.
Listening is a first step investment in your future, your relationships and hopefully, your success.