How Digital Signature(Class 3) Certificate driven encryption(like C1 India e-procurement solutions) is changing the Sourcing and Procurement Processes
Adaikalam Alexander Rayappa?
ERP Lead/Software Projects Managing Consultant/Trusted Software Advisor??Senior Consultant for Global/Regional Projects
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C1 India (C1INDIA.COM) is the top most, single hosted, best, World Bank Compliance Solutions Provider for Real-time, Digital Signature Class 3 certificate encryption(Data, Document, Database) secured, AI Powered, SMART processes like Source to pay ,Procure to pay, Source to contract .
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Please contact us to see live demo with Free Trial Access on how our 2000 customers are using digital signature class 3 certificate in their sourcing and procurement processes.
A digital signature, which is regulated as a specified security procedure that is followed nowadays in Sourcing and Procurement processes like E-tender/E-Bid/E-Auction/E-Procure Solutions.
Digital certificate is providing proof of your identity. They are recognized as being a more secure type of electronic signature because they’re cryptographically bound to the signed document and can be verified.
When you use a digital signature, you use a digital certificate obtained from a trusted third party, the resulting digital signature is virtually impossible to fake. It also provides powerful evidence of signer identity, that the signed document was not altered, and that the signatures are valid.
What does the DIGITAL SIGNATURE contain?
It consists of transformation of an electronic record using an asymmetric cryptosystem and a hash function such that a person having the initial untransformed electronic record and the signer’s public key can accurately determine:
a. Whether the transformation was created using the private key that corresponds to the signer’s public key; and
b. Whether the initial electronic record has been altered since the transformation was made.
Type of Digital Signature Certificates(DSC)
Sign DSC
This type of DSC can be used for signing documents. The most popular usage of this type of DSC is signing the PDF file for filing on Government websites. Signing via DSC gives the assurance of the integrity of the signer and the data. It is proof of unhampered and unaltered data.
Encrypt DSC
Encrypt DSC can only use to encrypt a document. It is mostly used in the tender portal to help the organization to encrypt documents. Encrypt DSC is useful for documents that are highly confidential and contains information that needs to be protected.
Sign & Encrypt DSC
Sign & Encrypt DSC can use for both signing and encrypting. A signature certificate is used to sign a document, while an encryption certificate is used to encrypt the data. It is suitable for users who need to authenticate and maintain the confidentiality of the information shared.
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Digital Signature Use Case
Party A and Party B wish to enter into a contract using their digital signatures. There will be two digital signatures involved in the process.
We will focus on Party A signing the contract.
Party A generates a private key for himself/herself and a public key to be shared with Party B.
The public key will enable Party B to verify a signature subsequently created by Party A’s private key. Taken together, the private key and the public key constitute a key pair.
In respect of the contract, Party A then produces an algorithm mapping or translating one sequence of bits into another, generally smaller but unique set such that it would be computationally infeasible to be reproduced by any other algorithm (a hash or hashing) and encrypts the algorithm with the private key. Once Party A’s hash has been encrypted, it becomes his/her signature to the contract.
Please message us in LinkedIn or email [email protected] to see a live demo on how to implement digital signature encryption in your Sourcing and Procurement Processes and Claim your FREE Access Trial if you are qualified.
We help private/public sector companies to maximize the use of digital signature certificates (Class 3) for ?sign and encryption purposes in their Procurement processes ( Procure to pay and Source to pay) using our end to end procurement suite of solutions (indent mgmt,vendor mgmt,e-tender,e-bid ,e-auction,e-sourcing, integrations(Payment and ERP Applications).Our applications are awarded by governments and corporations. It is used by 2000 over clients and particularly used by more than seven governments at country level and state level and multiple industries .
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?????? ?????? ???????????? Select C1 INDIA?
C1 INDIA E-Sourcing and E-Procurements solutions have Unique 21 features :
Multiple award winning solutions from Private/Public Sector in various Countries
?Solutions are from CMMI Level 5 certified company with 20 years live in the market
?Multiple Governments (Public sector) ?as our solutions user at Country level(India and Oman, Bahrain, Dubai) and Territory level.
?End to End Processes (Procure to pay and Source to pay)
?All in One for Procurement
?Dynamic design forms for tender, bid, auction,sourcing which are dynamic
?Data Encryption at Field Level ?and File Level Encryption using Digital signature Class 3 certificates
Ease of integration(ERP-SAP,ORACLE,MICROSOFT),API & Payment Gateways) ?
?Multiple Industries(Telco,Banks,Hospital,Finance,Oil & Gas,Manufacturing...etc) -30 Verticals
?Multiple Sectors(Private,Public)
Huge Customers base(2000)
Multiple Deployments(OnPremise/OnCloud(Private/Public))
?Ease of Use
?Friendly Training
?Automated workflows
?Comprehensive MIS Reports
Customization friendly
?2 Million Tenders Executed
?18 Million Auctions Conducted
750 Billions USD Transacted
?500 Regular, Happy Customers
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?End to End Tender processing with Single Sign On - Application security`
?Multiple Currencies`
?Multiple Bid openers`
?Multi level password(User and Bid ) Security`
?Multiple tender Envelops`
?Multiple evaluation(Item level and Schedule Level) on Technical Bid and Price Bid with data and file level encryption during bidding process`
?Dynamic comparison of shortlisted vendors using various defined criteria`
?Roles driven procurement according to Organization hierarchy
?Single Sign On - Application security`
?Multi level password(User and Bid ) Security`
?Comprehensive MIS Reports`
?Indent Management Workflow ,Indent Consolidation with criticality`
?RFQ Management with ?Multiple Rounds of RFQ with ranking`
?Graphical Comparison of RFQ of various vendors`
?End to End Real Time Auction (Forward and Reverse) with Evaluation Rank Auction or ?Price Auction,`
?Auction time extensions, bidder with system given - unknown alias names`
?Contract & PO Management`
?Multiple Currencies
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How does the Digital Signature work?
Digital signatures are just as legally binding as traditional signatures since they comply with key standards such as the ESIGN Act of the United States and the US-EU Safe Harbor. But how exactly do they work?
According to Tech Target, digital signatures work through public key cryptography’s two mutually authenticating cryptographic keys. What this means is that signers who create a digital signature use a private key to encrypt any data related to their signature, and the only way to decrypt this data is with the signer’s public key. However, both parties must have a registered digital certificate from an issuing authority to link the signers to their signatures.
The data related to the digital signature provides witness of the following:
The origin of the signature
The identity of the signer
The status of the signer
The signer’s informed consent
In addition to that, a digital signature also confirms that the data has not been changed or tampered with during transit.
This public key cryptography is described as a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of digital messages or documents. It can be thought of as a virtual fingerprint that is unique to a person and is used to identify signers and secure data in digital documents.
What’s the difference between a Digital Signature and an Electronic Signature?
Electronic Signature (Legal Concept) - Electronic signatures only show who signed, what was signed, and the intent and consent of the parties.
Digital Signature (Encryption/Decryption Technology) - Digital signatures support electronic signatures. They secure sensitive data, detect tampering efforts, and strengthen signing trust.
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What are all Ultimate benefits of using Digital Signatures?
The main benefit of using digital signatures is the level of security they come with. Companies can ensure that the documents they are signing have not been altered and each signature is legitimate since digitally signed documents are cryptographically bound and secured with a tamper-evident seal.
Here are a few other benefits you can expect from using digital signatures:
Globally accepted and legally compliant -
Digital signatures backed by digital certificates issued by third-party providers help you comply with regulations around the world.
Time and cost savings -
Digital signatures simplify the contract management process and significantly reduce friction and time spent since businesses can easily and quickly access and sign multiple documents in a day.
Less environmental impact -
Establishing a system for digital signatures and adopting a contract management platform is more environmentally friendly as it reduces paperwork.
Easier record-keeping for businesses -
Digital signatures create an audit trail that makes internal record-keeping easier for businesses. Since everything is recorded and stored digitally, there are fewer opportunities for mistakes or accidents to occur.
Transform your business in our digital era
As the pandemic continues to disrupt our lives, businesses have been led to increasingly conduct business virtually, accelerating existing trends in electronic signatures, remote working, as well as automation. In order to not only survive but successfully grow your business, it's important to embrace this new age of digital transformation.
As Asia’s leading, World Bank Compliance E-Procurement and E-Sourcing management platform, C1 INDIA( C1INDIA.COM ) can help your business streamline your end to end processes like Source to pay, Procure to pay, Source to contract and optimize your processes as our world gears towards a fully digital future
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.C1 INDIA Customer Profiling
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How is Digital Signature Certificate is stored?
Digital Signatures come in the form of a USB E-Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored in a USB Drive and can be accessed through a computer to sign documents electronically.
Why is the digital certification by a third-party authority is of Great importance and Legal Need?
Following scenario
explains the importance and Legal Need of digital certification by a third-party certifying authority:
Party A will then send the contract and the signature to Party B.
Upon receipt, Party B will commence his/her own hashing process, and Party B will use the public key to decrypt Party A’s signature.
To verify whether the contract has been altered since Party A’s digital signature, Party B may compare his/her hash with the hash created by Party A. If they are the same, then Party B may rely on Party A’s signature as a digital signature.
While a digital signature goes through layers of encryption and works to facilitate the safe sending of the signature, the relevant digital signature’s authenticity cannot be verified. This is an issue that goes to the root of the digital signature’s creation, and it is where the digital certification by a third-party authority is of importance.
Please message us in LinkedIn or email [email protected] to see a live demo on how to implement digital signature encryption in your Sourcing and Procurement Processes and Claim your FREE Access Trial if you are qualified.
What is Valid digital signature certificate ?
A valid digital signature certificate refers to a record issued by an accredited or recognized authority for the purpose of supporting digital signatures that purport to confirm the identity or other significant characteristics of the individual who created a particular key pair.
In our illustrative example above, a valid digital signature certificate for Party A would identify both Party A’s information as well as his/her public key (which would have been sent to Party B). Digital signature certificates usually have validity periods and/or expiry dates, and they may also be revoked or suspended where necessary (e.g., if the person’s private key is compromised). Further, the ETA provides that unless evidence to the contrary is adduced, the information (except for information identified as subscriber information that has not been verified) listed in a certificate issued by an accredited or recognized certification authority, or in a recognized certificate, is presumed to be correct if the certificate was accepted by the subscriber.
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How can Digital signature achieve secure and legal electronic signature status?
In this regard, it should be noted that a digital signature can achieve secure electronic signature status and, if so, will consequently trigger the advantageous legal presumptions under the Electronics Transactions Act relating to secure electronic signatures, if:
It was created during the operational period of a valid certificate and is verified by reference to the public key listed in such certificate.
Please message us in LinkedIn or email [email protected] to see a live demo on how to implement digital signature encryption in your Sourcing and Procurement Processes and Claim your FREE Access Trial if you are qualified.
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How you will consider digital signature certificate that is considered trustworthy?
The certificate is considered trustworthy, in that it is an accurate binding of a public key to a person’s identity, because one of the following apply:
The certificate was issued by an accredited certification authority.
The certificate was issued by a recognized certification authority.
The certificate was issued by a public agency approved by Singapore’s Ministery for Communications and Information to act as a certification authority on such conditions as he may by regulations impose or specify.
The parties have expressly agreed between themselves (sender and recipient) to use digital signatures as a security procedure, and the digital signature was properly verified by reference to the sender’s public key.
Please message us in LinkedIn or email [email protected] to see a live demo on how to implement digital signature encryption in your Sourcing and Procurement Processes and Claim your FREE Access Trial if you are qualified.
What are all different classes of digital signature certificates ?
Three different classes of digital signature certificates, namely:
Class 1 - These digital signature certificates offer a very basic level of security and should only be used in environments or circumstances where there is a very low risk of data compromise.
Class 2 - These digital signature certificates are often used for tax documents and authenticate a signer’s identity against a pre-verified database. They are used when the risks of a data compromise are moderate.
Class 3 -
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is the upgraded version of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates participate in the e-tendering process, every vendor is required to use a Class 3 Digital Signatures Certificate.
These digital signature certificates are considered the most secure and safest of all certificates. They are mainly used in matters of high-security and safety, which can include Online Sourcing and Procurement, online trading, e-commerce, or any time there is a large amount of money or highly confidential information involved.
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Different types of Class 3 digital Signature Certificate
An individual user or an authorized individual on the behalf of organization or company or firm can obtain Class 3 DSC. These are categorized as: Individual User (Class 3A) & Company user (Class 3B). Further it is also mentioned in IT Act & legal status, both of these categories can be issued in two different certificates called signing certificate and Encryption certificate
Generally class 3 digital signature is available with 1 year and 2 years validity.
By Using This Certificate You can Participate/Bid in Any Kind of On-line Tenders/Auction.
Class 3 Digital Signature basically divided according to requirement of various e-Governance platforms. Class 3 DSC comes in "Signing" and "Encryption" Certificates. User can choose Signing ONLY Certificate or Encryption Certificate based on their requirement. Now next Question will be : What is the Difference between two ?. Signing Certificates basically used to Map with Users Login, Signing of Documents on Different e-Tendering Platforms, whereas Encryption Certificate is mainly used to secure the confidential documents. A User can obtain both Certificates but can not procure ONLY Encryption Certificate without Signing Certificate.
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Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) - Combo Certificate
Class 3 Signing and Encryption Certificate
Best for Online Tenders, Bidding and e-Procurements
It is a Multipurpose Combo DSC
Best for Document and Invoice Signing.
It is best for GST, ITR, MCA, EPF, and Trademark filing.
Best for Venders, Bidders, Contractors, and Organizations.
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Usage Of Class 3 Digital Signature
1. A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is essential for companies and organizations that take part or intend to take part in E-tendering processes on various Government sites. Besides enabling E-tendering which is extremely convenient and transparent, a Digital Signature Certificate also ensures greater security in other online transactions.
2. For secure email and web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions.
3. To prove ownership of a domain name and establish SSL/ TLS encrypted secured sessions between your website and the user for web based transactions.
4. As a developer, for proving authorship of a code and retaining integrity of the distributed software programs.
5. For signing web forms, e-tendering documents, filing income tax returns, to access membership-based websites automatically without entering a user name and password etc.
6. Class 3 DSC is used for different kind of Registration.
Can we use DSC elsewhere too?
Yes, the advantages of digital signature for online tender are multiple. However, you can also use DSC for some other purposes including:
For encrypted communications and digital payments, as well as to identify other web-based transaction parties.
To create SSL/ TLS encrypted protected connections across your website and the client for digital purchases and to confirm domain registration.
To seamlessly connect with websites without having to enter login details, sign web forms, e-tendering papers, Income tax return filing, etc.
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Technical Specifications of Class 3B Combo DSC
Class of DSC : Class 3
Type of Certificate : Signing & Encryption
Validity of DSC : Minimum 1 Years & 2 Years Maximum
User Types : Organization User
Bits of DSC : 2048 Bit
Algorithm of DSC : SHA 2
Storage of DSC : ON FIPS Certified Cryptographic USB Tokens
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Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in Sourcing and Procurement Process - Consult us
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) facilitates e-Procurement, integrates and streamlines procurement processes. From buyer to supplier and even back. Approved under the Law of Information Technology, and with legal personality, a certificate of digital signature is essential for all e-Procurement processes.
Online government tender has many advantages. Since the documents are loaded into a central site, acknowledgments and receipts are provided immediately. Which it is not the case of paper documents to be scanned and verified before being processed.
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) can be allotted in the name of individuals as well as companies. As these are great assurance certificates, mainly planned for e-rfx,e-tender,e-bid,e-auction,e-procure,e-commerce applications, they will be allotted to individuals only on their physical presence before the Registration Authorities / Certifying Authorities.
Where else do you need Class III DSC?
Signing web forms
To conclude, it is a good idea to use a DSC for signing contracts and invoices. It ensures authenticity as well as saves time by reducing the time and effort taken for signing several pages of documents.
Class 3 Digital Signatures are used mainly for E-Tendering and for participating in E-Auctions.
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Class 3 DSC for Tender, Tender key registration
A Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is required for many companies to submit tender requests for e-tendering processes. It is the highest level of DSC and is legally permissible for filing requests and bids for e-procurement processes.
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is used for auctions and e-tendering and also for certain exact use as may be specified.
Class 3 Organization Digital Signature Certificates are issued to organization for various purposes. Class 3 digital signatures Organization is certificate that provides highest level of assurance within the RCAI hierarchy setup by CCA (Controller of Certifying Authorities) in India which is mainly used for e-tendering or e-procurement or e-bidding.
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate. It is mainly used in e-tendering, e-bidding, e-procurement and so on. It is the redesigned rendition of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate. By Using This Certificate You can Participate/Bid in Any Kind of On-line Tenders/Auction crosswise over India. To take an interest in the e-offering process, each merchant is required to utilize a Class 3 Digital Signatures Certificate.
Digital Signature with Encryption Certificate:
It is also called combo DSC, it has two certificates, one is for signing a document is called a signature certificate and the other is for encrypting data which is called an encryption certificate. These certificates provide higher security to the data and documents in online transactions. It is the most reliable and secure digital signature certificate. It is mainly used on e-procurement portals like C1INDIA.Com , E-tenders, and Bidding websites. DSC is mainly used by Contractors, vendors, Bidders, and organizations.
Class 3 Combo Certificate usage in E-Tenders or E-Auction
Class 3 is the highest level secure dsc and it mostly uses on all government portals for validation and authentication of the user. It has Signing and encrypt certificates. Most of the E-tendering and E-procurements portals demands both Sign and Encrypt Certificates. Sign certificates for data authentication and document signatures while encryption certificates encrypt data in transactions. It converts the data into an encrypted format so that no one can crack this online data. It is the best DSC for Venders, Contractors, Bidders, and Organizations.
All Vendors who wish to participate in E-tenders or E-auction with India Government Tenders must have valid Class III Digital Signature Certificate with Firm’s Name issued by licensed Certifying Authorities like (n)CodeSolutions (GNFC), Safescrypt, or EMudhra. Without valid Digital Signature Certificate, User ID and Password, vendor cannot participate in E-tenders or E-auction.
Signing with Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is required so that all ELECTRONIC BIDS can get auto encrypted on your client machine using highest level of digital security before such offers are received in the time locked electronic tender box. All e-bids travel over 128-bit SSL to ensure confidentiality of data. Electronic bids are totally secured as once digitally signed and submitted for one or all the item/items it cannot be accessed or edited later till the due date and time of opening and decryption.
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We C1 INDIA (C1INDIA.COM) provide e-Tendering with digital signature class certificate to participate in Online Tenders on various websites in India. We provide Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate powered e-Tendering solution. Under Class 3 there are two types of certificates : Only Signing , Only Encryption & Combo ( Signing & Encryption ). Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate comes with 1 Years and Maximum of 2 Years Validity.
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Benefits of our World Bank Compliance e-Tendering Solution
e-Tendering saves time, efforts and increase chances of transparency. It also help users to believe about the security of system. Our C1 INDIA e-Tendering / e-Procurement help 2000 vendors from Other Countries also to use the facility. e-Tendering is a centralized system so it helps vendors to track their offers. It also help them to upload documents , receive response immediately. e-Tendering is better then the traditional system in which documents were supposed to sign and submit by post to Org. Traditional system was not having security , confidentiality , integrity , Non-repudiation.
Book your demo and Your Free Trial Access
Book your demo and Free Access as Trial of KPI/KRA driven E-Solutions in your sourcing and procurement processes (Source to pay, Procure to pay, Source to contract).
We, C1 India(C1INDIA.COM), is the top most best leading provider of E-Rfx, E-Tender, E-Auction, E-Procure ,E-MarketPlace Solutions.
.We help our 2000 customers to implement centralied sourcing/procurement with enablement of procurement strategy options(Request for proposal (RFP),Request for quotation (RFQ),Reverse auction & sourcing: sole source, selective bidding, and competitive bidding) with best practices like Sealed bidding.
As a Customer, Book your demo and Free Trial of KPI/KRA driven E-Solutions
Our customers are mostly monopoly buyer or monopoly seller across multiple industries who has a online need of E-Rfx, E-Tender, E-Auction, E-Procure ,E-Market Place Solutions to run their tender and auction events . We have e-marketplace in which you can create your own sellers and buyers market place for your product and services.
Qualified customers can get FREE TRIAL of our solutions which are
Real-time AI Powered, Audit Trailed, World Bank Compliance and Guideline, Powerful digital signature certificate encryption(Data, Database, Document) secured ,Features powered, Customer benefits empowered .
You are welcome to contact us for our solution demo .
As a B2B Consultant in Sourcing and Procurement services and Consultant,
You are welcome to refer our well established, award winning solutions as a values addition to your known contacts . You will be rewarded for your referrals.
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Our Customer Profiling
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Please share your company profile to understand you better and serve you better. We help our customers in their End to End Process scenarios like Source to pay ,Procure to pay, Source to contract which saves cost and time , increase efficiency.
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Who needs CLASS 3 DIGITAL SIGNATURE CERTIFICATES among 2000 Customers of C1INDIA.COM whoever handling Sourcing and Procurement Processes ?
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is essential for companies and organizations that take part or intend to take part in eTendering processes / eAuctions / Online Biddings. Those aspiring to fill online tenders like Online Goverenment tenders, Online Private tenders, E-Bidding, Central Government / Public Sector Tenders, Co-Operative Tenders, Corporations / Associations / Others Tenders, Private Sector Tenders, State Government Tenders, Trust Tenders and so on need to have DSC.
With the rise of technology bidding or tender has also changed. Many government agencies now offer online tender only. This saves the agencies as well as businesses applying for tender from many hassles. Thus, if you are an individual or a business entity looking for the best online tenders, you must get a digital signature certificate. In this article, you will get to know the advantages of digital signature for online tender.
Any Individual OR Company Authorized User can obtain Class 3 DSC. An Individual Person requires his ID & Address Proof along with a Dully Complete Application Form to obtain Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate. On the Other hand, Company Authorized User need to submit Company's legal documents like Company PAN Card, Company Registration Certificate, List of Partners or Directors, Authorization Letter in favour of Applicant other than his person ID & Address Proof. In both Cases, Applicant needs to present himself in RA or CA Office to verify his physical presence. Any Individual or Company who is looking to take part in e- Tendering or e-Procurement Process OR willing to do e-Filing of Trademark and Patent Applications OR any IRCTC Agent who is looking to get Authorize from Principle IRCTC Agent to book e-Tickets can procure Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates.
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What are the significant Advantages of Digital Signature for Online Tender?
Digital Signatures are used to sign electronic records such as e-forms for online tender, in the same way, that handwritten signatures are used to sign physical papers.
One can easily sign documents of online tender reapplication using a digital signature certificate. Thus, this saves their valuable time and effort.
DSCs are valid for a long period such as one or two years. Thus, for a low price, you avail yourself of a lot of benefits for a long duration.
Using DSC you won’t have to physically manage all the documents or always be fearful of losing the documents. You can easily sign e-forms using DSC and then submit them online.
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C1 INDIA Customer Profiling
Proud to list below some of our best industry-leading clients of us across various industry verticals all around the world .
We listed some of our solution's customer success stories with enterprises Worldwide in the below link on how we help enterprises .
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