How different is the concept of loyalty in the health care industry as opposed to consumer brands?
It is very different in health care. To understand effective loyalty in health care, we need to flip the model. Traditional consumer loyalty programs reward customers that are the most valuable or generate the most revenue or profits. Think road warrior business traveler to Marriott or technology enthusiast for Best Buy. In health care, the most valuable customer is, for example, the Medicare member who is effectively controlling a disease – a diabetic who is eating right, exercising, and going to check-ups. The Plan is being paid more for this member while the member is managing their health effectively and is working in concert with the health care system in cost effective ways.
An effective health care loyalty program will reward plan members to engage in high-value behaviors such as Diabetic eye exams, check-ups, and screenings. Loyalty is created between the member and the plan as the member is more engaged in managing their health. The advent of managed care is about a member taking their health management personally. Higher engagement and loyalty to their plan, provider, and person drives a loyalty to the system. Keep reading at Loyalty 360.