How Differences Make Us Stronger

How Differences Make Us Stronger

We recently did one of our 3-day masterclasses up here in my lovely home in Yorkshire. It was a great 3 days and we played a little game to illustrate why you need different people around you.

What do I mean by that?

Well – I don’t know if you have experienced this. 

A friend of mine went for an interview a long time ago at a sales company. And it scared her to death. The interview itself went well, the interviewer was nice enough and she got offered the job. But she didn’t take it. 

When I asked her why – she told me, ‘Cheryl it was like walking into The Matrix.  Mr. Smith was everywhere!”

You’ve seen the film, right? Aliens take over and put the human race into a state of stasis so that they can feed off us. The people in stasis are living in a dream world, (Yes it IS a metaphor), which looks incredibly like our real world. 

And the “baddies” – i.e. the ‘bots’ or spy’s in the machine – whose job it is to find anyone who is waking up to the fact that all is NOT as it seems – are led by the super bot – Mr. Smith. At several points in the film, he multiplies into many “Mr. Smith’s”.

And that is what happened in the business my friend was interviewing at. 

The managers had not only leased a load of BMW’s with one number difference on each number plate, but they had also hired “mini me’s”. They had clearly told them what to wear, where to shop, and even where to get their hair done. My friend was genuinely disturbed by both the atmosphere, and the visual impact of such similarity. It was like an army – but not in a good way.

And that is what can happen when you have only one genetic style in the team.

These guys were all ‘builders’, and specialists. They were great at coming up with ideas, and getting stuff done. But not so great at seeing the bigger picture or noticing what was missing. Ad so maybe the ideas weren’t as good as they could have been – and the implementation might have been lacking.

The game we played at the masterclass was very similar. 

We put everyone into a group but had all the Architects just observing. And then we sat back and observed what happened. Now the groups had some great ideas but here’s the thing. Without the architects, nothing got organised, there was no clear plan about HOW any of the amazing ideas were going to be implemented.

The same would happen in reverse with a group of Architects. There would be lots of plans, fewer ideas and no-one would actually DO the implementing. 

So what is a 'genetic blueprint'?

Well, it is a way of understanding yourself, of knowing who you really are, and what you are here to do in this world.

There are 5 genetic types in the world and every successful team / family unit / bunch of friends, ideally needs all of them. 

But how do you know what your genetic blueprint is, or what you need in your team to complete/complement it? Well, you can hop on over to this link and we will give you the answer. 

Once you know who you are in the world, things start making a lot more sense. You know why you do certain things and why you don’t like to do others. Then – add to that – understanding the blueprint of those around you, and suddenly things are a lot clearer, less stressful and easier to deal with. 

If you would like more info – before or after you get your blueprint info – just reach out to me on [email protected]


Cheryl Chapman - Award-Winning Professional Speaker and Mentor的更多文章

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