How did your last conversation in German go?
Lightspeed German Learning

How did your last conversation in German go?

I would’ve liked your answer to be ‘’Great!’’ but we both know that, if that’s the case, you wouldn’t be reading this, right?

You don’t have to tell me. I’ll make an educated guess!

You weren’t sure whether you understood what was said to you.

You thought you knew what you were supposed to say, but it didn’t come out right.

You felt that you didn’t have any control over the conversation.

You felt overwhelmed and confused.

You felt alienated from the person you were talking to.

You tried to back the conversation to English, but the person wasn’t interested.

You both ended the conversation with an awkward smile, so you felt ashamed.

You lost the last piece of your motivation and confidence to speak German.

I don’t want to make you feel like that again. I want to tell you that if you have had experiences like that, you are ready to learn German once and for all.

I want to tell you that every student of mine felt the same way at one point.

I felt the same before I learned German.

I also want you to know that now my students feel completely opposite – they love to talk in German, it comes easy for them, and they don’t feel ashamed or confused anymore.

The same thing can happen to you!

You just have to make the decision to stop letting the German language be the source of your stress and bad feelings; decision to start learning like you’ve never learned anything; decision to take control of your conversations and your life in Germany.

That decision is just a few clicks away!

If you want me to help you to learn German, apply for a free qualification call on my website:


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