How did you prepare for your "mobile working life"?
The demise of "institutionalised career trajectories" affects most of us, who are fortunate enough for this to be an issue (i.e. we have food!!!).
I found this study of top tier MBAs' coping mechanisms fascinating.
It uncovered MBAs at a top tier school who identified in either one of two "pathways" could "manage angst" and experienced "flourishing hope".
For those who couldn't settle into one of these two pathways, "anxiety"[about a mobile working life] became "less tolerable" and "hope faded" :-(.
The two pathways?
1. Those "lacking ability" saw an MBA as a "training ground" (the adaptive pathway - this is me, I think).
2. Those "lacking clarity" saw an MBA as a "magnifying glass" (the exploratory pathway).
Would love to hear your thoughts? PM or comment.
I posted a version of this piece on LinkedIn in September 2017: