How did we solve the problem of too fast roller wear for a loyal customer?
Elastomeri rollers
Sales Department at Elastomeri d.o.o., producer of rubber and steel rollers
To find an optimal solution, it is sometimes worth testing several materials.
The customer, usually very satisfied with our rubber rollers, contacted us because the rollers wore out too quickly. He was looking for a more economical solution because of the time spent changing rollers on the machine and the additional costs.
When we asked in more detail how they work, what kind of wood they use, etc., we concluded that the rotation speed and the pressure the roller has to exert were too much, which is why it wore out so quickly. We advised the customer to test another material, a different quality rubber, which eventually performed flawlessly.
But that's not always the case. Each customer is unique, and so is the nature of their work.