"LOOK IN THE MIRRORs, and in doing so, simply change your mind."

"Transform and transforming your own minds into the mind which was in Jesus, when He walked this earth as Human man."


“Who is the one telling you the lie’s and who have you become, because of your believing them and following them?”

“Have you added one day to your human life? Have you added even another breath to a loved one?”

“How can anyone save their own life, let alone the life of another, as human nature and human men and women, we all have a set time to live and a set time to die.”

“The only Life choses we have are truly how we shall live life, day by day and breath by breath.”

“Over these last few years, so many have stepped away, but first because of fear of death, so many have done so more alone than ever before. The enemy isn’t death, it’s life lived in fear until death, which the enemy of God and “all” of mankind, has so greatly been able to perform merely such a great fear unto death; not because of death, but because of suggesting that in death is only darkness.”

“It has become so, so, sad that because of deception and lawless deeds and agendas; so many missed out on enjoying their family and loved ones these past few years on day’s to when memories and together as family and even unity between a man and women as one, divided so many from being with the very one they loved and spent their entire lives, with. So many also separated from their children and other family members and friends of life-long love.”

“Such a sad and lonely and sorrowful departing from this life, into the next life, which we each shall step over into surly one day soon.”

“Such a blow suggested and provided, by evilness and wickedness, providing nothing but fear and pain and sorrow to so many.”

“Big business, big technology, big government, turned out to be not so big after all, because many perished, many left this life, hurting and in great sorrow, possibly the greatest sorrow in now history, of being left alone and with no one doing not one thing for them whatsoever.”

“Pure evilness.”


“Still to this day in time, big everything continues to try and rule the lives of all others, big simply because so very many have become followers of man and the ways of man, rather than lovers of God and true followers after Him.”

“Openly and forcefully does wickedness and evilness, the very same suggestions provided to all, to just keep believing and following the big guys, the big tech, the big same one’s who have brought about by the bigger theologian’s of this generation.”

“Offering their own fixes, in how other’s lives shall be saved, or at least prolonged.” “And if you do not, follow their ways, than they shall turn the entire human race against you.”

“Guess none of these will die of other things this year; not trying whatsoever to be mean; nor disrespect not one!”

“However, the fact remains, many shall die this coming year even though they done much to prevent and find their own life, death shall come!”

“As for me I would rather enjoy life and live life with my loved ones every second and with every breath given to me from God, He makes available to me! Knowing that when death here comes about, it shall come no matter what!”

“I shall try and I shall desire to live, yet everyone of us acknowledge and know, as well as, myself, that human death awaits us all.”

“One thing is for sure, if this be my last Thanksgiving, I enjoyed it to its fullest with those whom I love, here and who God blessed me with as family and Friends!”

“For the memories of today are published in and upon the hearts of each and every one I love and can never be removed!” ‘Period….”

“Stop hiding from the unknown, live life as though you are dying, as human, yet living every breath given to you, “ON PURPOSE,” Restored and continuing to restore yourselves back to God”

“Rejecting the devil (s), and they shall flee from your souls and your minds, giving life worth meaning and living, together.”

“To do anything else is not living at all, but hiding and dying alone, in hopes for another day; tomorrow is never promised, and tomorrow many shall be no more!”

“Today live life and enjoy every second of it!”

“Do not depart from God, for He truly has provided, and He alone, has the power and ability to restore your very own spirit and soul, here and after here, no longer in fear, but in Truth, In Joy, In Happiness, all the days of this life, and forevermore hereafter.” “Period….”

“Remember, many of those who are telling you to hide and run are the same ones who for months allowed and even marched and allowed so many to hurt and burn and rape and even kill in the streets!”

“Trying their best to destroy and to dissolve history, to bring about their very own big “re-set,” all the while both new human life continued, as also death continues to this day.”

“Those also are many who gave the money to the lab which created this virus; in the country even now many are saying they will return to their friends within that country.”

“Those who openly lied and performed hatred actions and stealing and boasting openly, of their prideful agendas!”

“People live life today, not yesterday, nor even what the next hour may bring; knowing that those who must hide and run, truly have fear of what tomorrow shall bring!”

“God alone has already told all mankind what shall come to them IN Him, as well as, those who are not!”

“Do you really believe you can run from death?”

“That you can hide from God, that you can remove God out of yourselves?”

“Surly not!”


“His name is Jesus, where Life truly is and begins for all who shall believe and just live in His peace and joy and happiness!”


“The Only One God,” who will remove each out of death into life, forevermore, right here and right now!”

“As for me and my household we shall serve the Lord our God with All our heart and soul, mind and strength; because He has already exchanged us from death into Life!”

“The Spirit which now dwells within me, merged together with my own spirit, is not bondage back into fear, but truly life, life worth living here until there where He has prepared a place already for me; even where “NOW” I am able to sit at the table He has prepared for me, in front of all the enemies.”



“Restore God back into your own everything, and watch as all else continues to fade away, yet you shall be in true peace and joy, even being able to be happy in times of troubles all around you.”

Reference: Every Word Ever Spoken OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD!


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