How did we come up with EVA digitals?

How did we come up with EVA digitals?

So, EVA digitals is not just a digital agency.

EVA digitals is a community of people that believes in the good, love and power of mutual help. But that’s not all.?

In the beginning there were three of us - Anastasia, Valentina and Ekaterina (EVA is us). In fact, we've long worked in business, in large technology corporations, in banks, in start-ups, where we've acquired prof skills digital marketers, strategists and businessmen. At a certain point it became clear that we've accumulated a lot of knowledge and skills, we wanted to share this with everyone who really needs our help.

Further, we studied markets, got acquainted with people all over the world, deepened in the problems of small business, start-ups, student projects, saw the complexity of projects in the social sphere, art and other spheres. In addition, faced with the realities of life - issues of poverty, childhood diseases, animal suffering, etc...

Above us the question arose - "How to unite all this in a single space?". The answer came - "EVA digitals project wide coverage".

This means that we have to earn money from the services of our agency and spend part of the money to help people who are going through a difficult period in life for a number of reasons.

And to support student projects, start-ups, social projects, art and others, we offered non-market (budget) packages of services (more in future posts).

And the third way is the promotion of talents. About talented people should know the whole world. After all, as a rule, they are modest.

By the way, we are happy to announce that there're now four of us. Our team has a new member - our friend and partner Wardan. About him in one of the following posts. Wish us luck, Friends. We want to do what we believe in.

Friends, follow the blog and social media of EVA digitals. We'll share the news of the EVA digitals team, news of our friends and partners, share cases and LifeHacks in business and digital marketing, talk about talented people and important topics, where our help is needed. Be happy!

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