How did TV, YouTube, Netflix or Amazon contribute to a Magnum campaign in Germany?

How did TV, YouTube, Netflix or Amazon contribute to a Magnum campaign in Germany?

Hello again!

?? The playing field for advertisers is expaaanding every day. But while this landscape offers countless opportunities to reach the right audience through the right medium, it’s also become a maze—full of walled gardens, pitfalls, and traps. These include wasting budget by targeting the wrong profiles, falling into excessive frequencies, or struggling to determine which of the many platforms is the most cost-efficient.

The challenge:

It’s now clear that the recipe ???? for success in the media mix of major campaigns involves combining linear TV—a key ally for generating large-scale reach and frequency in specific targets—with the vast array of Online Video and Audio platforms available, which are incredibly effective for boosting reach and frequency among certain audiences.

The key challenge ?? lies in obtaining a clear view of a campaign’s impact: understanding duplication between platforms and incremental reach & frequency, and audience demographics. Advertisers lack a map to navigate this labyrinth —exactly what FLUZO provides.

The solution:

FLUZO simplifies this maze by making all media speak the same language—TV, CTV, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Radio (!), and more—illuminating every corner of the labyrinth with a highly detailed map that enables learnings and improvements for future campaigns. Let’s now introduce this Magnum case study, which achieved these metrics in a cross-media campaign??

?? Download the Executive Summary of the project.

The case:

Summer provided the perfect setting for the launch of a new line of Magnum ice creams ??. To consistently reach the 18-44 age target, the campaign—alongside other social media actions not covered here—the Magnum 联合利华 and its agency, PHD , leveraged linear TV and digital media like YouTube, CTV, Netflix, Amazon Ads, Disney, and Spotify.

These are some of the questions we solved:

  • What Reach and Frequency did each of these media contribute?
  • What happens to each medium when we filter the total reach of the campaign with a Frequency of 3+?
  • What effect did the campaign have among those exposed to it in terms of spontaneous or suggested awareness?
  • How do their responses compare with those who were not exposed?

?? Download the Executive Summary of the project.

? On a different note...

Recently, we measured the fierce competition for audiences and the new approaches to television that have emerged in Spain’s prime-time with the debut of a new talk show.

We also traveled to Hamburg and Paris to present the Magnum case and other success stories at various events.

In Madrid, we welcomed new team members Maria Rabanal , Ana Cruz , and Vladimir DE GO?TI , with more hires expected soon!

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