How did Robin Sharma's books help me personally...
Sidharth Bansal
Helping people find fulfilling career(HR professional) II Talent Acquisition
Robin Sharma is a very famous author and is known for his deep understanding of human psychology and behaviour. His books are very insightful, provide guidance, and have life changing effects. I always look forward to read his books and re-read them to absorb all the life lessons. There is something meaningful for everyone in his books.
I started my reading journey with his books and found them really helpful. Few titles I read by him are The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Who Will Cry When you Die? and The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
Here are some lessons I learned from his books:
- Importance of Mental Health: We can achieve more with a healthy mind. By healthy I mean the one which is mindful, remains stable in difficult situations and is positive. Achievement without mental peace is of no value. Our ultimate goal should be to get mental peace by contributing to the society. There is no point in becoming successful at the cost of mental health. Having said that, it's important to analyse the limits of your mind and should try to overcome it.
- Ways to maintain a healthy body: We all have heard, in a fit body resides a healthy mind. There is no point in arguing that we need to be fit in order to survive and have a long healthy life. There has been lot of information on internet as well about maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating good, doing yoga, exercising and walking.
- Psychology behind some common human behaviour: Human mind is directed by the habits. Developing healthy habits is the most focused point in his books. It takes 21 days to develop a new habit and once we develop a new habit, unlearning them is completely different process. Human mind will always look for an easy escape and it needs to be told / guided towards the right step. (Realisation -> Strong Determination -> Mind Control)
- Finding purpose of our life: A purposeful life is what we all aim for but often get intimated by our environment that we keep it on the backside. Eternal and right motivation comes when we realise our aim in life and work towards it.
- Ways to improve quality of our life: There are number of ways to improve quality of our lives. For example: spending time with your loved ones, helping others, going on a little retreat, and having some me time during the day.
- Role of human connect in our lives: Humans are social animals and requires human connect to survive and express our emotions. People often feel isolated when they lose human touch. Always keep few good friends and family close. Through constant conversations, meetings and small celebrations one can always show compassion and care towards their loved ones.