How did the pandemic impact the Nordic business culture?
Highest values priorities: Self-development. Collaborate. Life Balance.
Increasing values priorities: Care. Respect. Security.
These values were prioritized by people during the last 18-24 months as analyzed in our Business Culture Intelligence report (released August 2021). The pandemic changed our values priorities. The business leaders need to understand this and not treat 'back-to-the-office' as a status-quo from 2019. Three tips to remember as you get back to the office:
1 - Remember to still accept that changes happen quickly. Communicate clearly the rules for hybrid work and when to work from home in terms of potential illness etc. Make employees feel safe and trusted by still being able to work from home when needed.
2 - Re-affirm the value of life-work balance and that it is encouraged.
3 - Make everyone comfortable by having a discussion with them about their role and importance going forward. Listen to their concerns and see where flexibility is needed as a team.?
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