How Did NLP Help Me Live Better?
Ramesh Sood
I Coach Leaders to Help Them Transform and Grow as Persons for Their Next Level of Leadership Growth and Be Coach Leaders | 1100+ 1:1 coaching hours delivered through Trust conversations | NLP & Story-Telling
It all started with a message from Ms. Siri G P Kaur Khalsa of Alphastars Academy of Excellence. The message read:
"Dear Linkedin Connect, What If You could use your in-built capability to MOVE PAST all your LIMITATIONS. How would the life be, What areas of life will get affected and brilliant the future would be, How will it impact your ability to connect with others, Will it improve your performance, Surely, you would Lead an OUTSTANDING life in every context. And all that you need for this to happen is a proper 'STRATEGY'. ..... ......."
And the message went on to identify 03 steps: 1st step of strategy is to identify where 'exactly' is the limitation. 2nd step is to develop a strong desire. 3rd step is to have an attitude of curiosity.
Well, I took that one most important step with all the support from Siri , her husband and co-trainer, Sat & Alphastars could provide.. I enrolled for the programme and from thereon my life changed for the better. I make it a point to meet a happier me every morning..
Let me share, two very important and profound changes I found in my behaviour and conduct. First, I had become free from the habit of 'blaming' others for all the mess in life. Second, I started understanding others better because I had become a lot more 'self-aware'.. These changes brought other changes too. The process was slow and yet deliberate. I wanted to bring the changes by wiping out the negative impact of few years of turmoil. I was more clear about my goals. I wanted to be a trainer. NLP helped me to have well-formed goals and showed me the ways to achieve them. I started understanding the motivations of others and realised that we tend to force on others what we think is right without realising that they may have altogether different filters at work in their minds.
And then as a very obvious next step, I pursued my Master Practitoner Course with them, the Alphastars Academy of Excellence run by Sat and Siri. Well, I learned how the words we use or hear make such a huge difference in our thinking. I learned intricacy of how the mind really works in terms of picking up data from our memory making an impact in the present. I learned developing strategies to reduce the impact of stuck memories and the upside of developing ability to rewrite beliefs . I started practicing all that I had learned in my interactions.
I am not going into the details of technical terms used in NLP, I can only say that practicing the inputs, learning and using strategies in day to day life had brought some very fascinating results. I am able to use language a lot more effectively. From a stage where I would be able to make people instantly 'dislike' me , I have come to a place where I am able to remain candid without hurting others. I can feel subtle positive vibrations reaching me from all across.
My experience led me to draw prudently from NLP along with my experience of a lifetime while conducting training sessions on Enhancing Personal and Professional Effectiveness or on Effective Inter-personal Relationships or Building rapport. It has made a whole lot of a difference as I find participants raining accolades on me for the effectiveness of delivery. I am able to make a small positive difference in the lives of people.
I shall always be thankful to that one message from Siri Ma'm . When I had asked Siri Ma'm what made her send me a message like that ( It was in 2012. It will be 03 years this week since I did my basic practitioners course.) she had said that she was reading various posts on linkedin and she was able to sense that I had come through some very difficult time and the pain was reflecting in those posts. She wanted to help me remove that pain and use the lessons for bringing a transformation in life for the better. I realised that the change won't happen without learning from a Guru or Gurus.. and both Siri Ma'm and her husband Sat Sir became kind of Gurus and guiding lights for me..
I consider that one message from Siri Ma'm as the turning point , no, no as the "Returning point of my life".. I had returned to my original self, the one who was popular for practicing happiness..I am doing that again. I am practicing happiness. Thanks to Sat Sir and Siri Ma'm and NLP.. when added to my own experiences on the road less traveled that I embarked upon at the age of 22.
Ramesh Sood