How Did the Media Cover the Nike/Kaepernick Ad Campaign?
Good, Bad, Left, Right… What did the media really say?
I asked our media measurement team at Universal Information Services to analyze the actual broadcast news exposure related to the new Nike advertising campaign, Just Do It. In Nike’s latest reboot of this slogan they featured the controversial former NFL player, Colin Kaepernick. Some felt this was the greatest idea since the last Just Do It (Dream Crazy) campaign, others felt Kaepernick was an offensive choice for the campaign. Statistically, though, the broadcast media didn’t introduce a bias to the story as some might think.
Overwhelmingly, the TV and radio stations across the United States objectively covered this story. Our analysis, reading the text of the stories and watching/listening to the actual broadcasts, showed reporters and anchors reported on the controversy of the new campaign without adding their comments. [CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE...]
Analysis performed by the PR Measurement management team at Universal Information Services. Thanks to Austin Gaule and Charity Hathaway.