How did India end up having to import milk?
India, the world's largest milk producer, is amid a supply crisis. This has led to rising prices and imports, which runs the risk of becoming a severe political controversy besides an economic issue.
The Reserve Bank of India's interest-rate setting committee said milk prices are causing high inflation. The available data shows that retail prices rose 15% over the past year. Consumer inflation in milk rose 9.65% in February from a year ago, compared to an increase of 8.79% in the previous month, the most significant buildup after cereals, hitting the budget of Indian households.
Milk is a necessary good, so demand is relatively less price-sensitive. The consumption of milk and dairy products doesn't change much unless prices change a lot or there's a drastic change in the life circumstances of consumers. To control the boil of milk prices, the government of India is mulling over importing dairy ingredients through NDDB.
But why the cow economy is in a difficult phase:
Given the price rise, despite any support, India's import of milk products jumped slightly over 1000% to $4.77 billion in 2022-23 even as export of fat items, such as clarified butter (ghee), surged to record levels due to high global prices, stoking the sharpest rise in domestic prices in a decade, data from the government-backed National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) show.
How did India fall short of FAT?
The above analysis was shared by Jordbrukare in Nukkad in December, that unplanned exports would push milk prices in India.
Policy Makers Perspective:
According to government sources, the country has no constraint in milk supply. There is an adequate inventory of skimmed milk powder (SMP). But in the case of dairy products, especially fats, butter, ghee etc., the stocks are lower than the previous year. The government will intervene to import dairy products like butter and ghee, if required, after assessing the stock position of milk in Southern states, where the flushing (peak production) season has started now.
What are the key challenges in front of India?
The challenge faced by Indian Dairy is multifold.
How will imports impact Indian Dairy?
How much will we import?
India will try to replenish the disposed of inventory in 2022 hence should allow a minimum import of 5000 to 8000 MMT of Fats and 8000 to 10000 MMT of SMP.
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