How did I try to prove the progression of allergy?

By 1981, I knew for sure about the presence of Demodectic Acariasis, which was spreading like an avalanche among the population. Visually observed the rapid spread of this disease among the people I met. As a person and a doctor, I was very worried about this fact. And I threw reports on what I saw to the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and USSR. Please, see:

The situation outlined and clearly observed by me visually was post factum confirmed by the world's leading allergists: they stated an exponential increase in the incidence of allergy and a doubling of the incidence of allergy during the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s. In fact, I observed this fact visually among the population. However, the heads of public health seem to have mentally twisted their fingers at the temple and spread gossip about me, which became even the property of foreign scientists.

I demonstrated to the commission of dermatologists the dwelling of Demodexes by colonies in the tissues of sick people! Naturally, these Demodexes will not leave their habitable places without special treatment.

About the developing complications - more in the following posts.

#demodecticacariasis #growthallergies #ZhaxylykovaRakhima #shock #complicationsofallergy


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