How did I Overcome my Severe Depression?
This time, I am writing this article wishing that someone just sent me this some time ago, when I was battling through a really bad depression of all time. It would have been much easier for me to survive. But, I hope this helps you in some way... Good Luck.
Out of all the living beings on this planet, we humans are the only ones who go through severe depression phases, Why? Because just as Stan Lee wrote, "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility", so, as we possess the most intelligent brains on this planet earth, we tend to bear some of the consequences as well. As I always say, Depression is always the worst thing that can happen to any living being, our physical body is barely breathing and alive in the present, but mentally, we are devastated and wounded by the past trauma, and we somewhat create a vicious cycle of thoughts and memories which drags us back to the same timeline due to which we got hurt in the first place. You really and badly wanted it to be that ultra special person who always gave you butterflies in your stomach every time you hear their voice or get to see them in person and your eyes just starts glowing when you are around them, but one fine day you understood and realized that they never wanted it to be YOU. It hurts on a whole different level when we are depressed because of someone we truly love and they start ghosting us. So, the best solution that I found is,
When someone ghosts you, Respect the dead and move on with life.
During this phase, we feel as if there is nothing much left with our life, and in severe cases, we also go through anxiety attacks, which is not even our fault, because when we love someone, we literally give them the power to destroy us and we expect and trust them to never use it against us, but if they do, it lethally destroys us. Always, let the sky remind you that it's okay to feel a little blue and just as the darkness is inevitable, so is the Sunrise. So, if you just start to treat yourself like someone you once loved, you will realize that, you just have to shower the same love to the right person who respects you, values you, feels the same way about you, and most importantly, loves you back. Because with the right people, you grow every single day and with the wrong ones, I guess you already know what happens. It's obvious that it is impossible to take the next breath in, without releasing the bad breath out, or else you'll start choking yourself. And the irony is that those people who left us all alone during our darkest days will come back in our life just to check if we are still stupid after they get disappointed by the people they thought were better than you. I really love Psychology, especially when it comes to Human Psychology in particular. The best thing that I've learned is that if you express too much love and affection to someone, or care too much about them, it is the natural human tendency to underestimate it and take it for granted. It's not their fault, it's just that some humans are wired that way.
As Jay Shetty once beautifully said, "Jumping in a new relationship won't heal you, giving your ex a second chance won't change them, trying to find a cinematic closure won't change the fact that they're still not the right one for you and trying to fix the broken relationship will only drown you with it". So I believe that if a shoe doesn't fit you, you never blame your Feet. You just go and find the special ones that were made just for you. If a Dress doesn't fit, why blame your unique Body? You were never meant to "FIT INTO" the clothes, it's always the other way around. You are the one who defines your wardrobe, not your parents, relatives, or the so-called "Society". If we talk about a very crucial thing in a relationship, that is Trust, there's no way to find if a person will betray you or not. Only time can reveal that. The only thing that we can surely trust is, are we brave enough to handle it if they do, will we dare to walk away? Because, it's a pointless waste of your energy to think about it, only worry about yourself and trust your instincts, because somehow, it knows what's best for you.
Here's how the healing part kicked in for me when I realized that the most beautiful part about our life is, no matter what, you will definitely glow again slowly and in time. Your beautiful positive vibes will be back with you and you'll outgrow your old self. Coz, eventually, the biggest wave in the sea settles down. Once the dark clouds start to fade away, we start to look back at the rays of the beautiful sun, you also see that people do look so different when you start caring less about them, you begin to notice how ordinary some people are and how it was just your sheer love that made them very special; that placed them on some sort of a pedestal (like a podium). When you start to love and take good care of yourself, you start to glow from the inside, you attract people who love you, respect you, and appreciate your positive vibes and your pure energy. Everything starts from how you feel about yourself, so start feeling worthy, valuable, and deserving of receiving the best that the beautiful thing called LIFE has to offer. Be Magnetic, Be Legendary! Step out of your house, get some fresh air and sunlight, play some guided meditation on your phone and sit comfortably. Drink water in a wine glass with those beautiful curves just like a supermodel and instead of gulping it down your throat, take a small sip and let the water flow through your body and your soul. Let it cleanse and detox you from the inside. Start dumping all the things that are in your mind in a private journal. Take some time to understand what you are going through and make notes of things in your control and those that are not. Tear the pages of the latter and only focus on the former. The trauma that you faced, taught you to close your heart and armor up, but only healing has the power to teach you to open your heart and boundary up. Yes, you may never get back the parts of you that still reside with the other person that left you, maybe you shouldn't. At least the remaining YOU deserve to go to the unexplored beautiful places and the people you are yet to meet, wherever life has planned to take you.
So Unfollow, Unfriend, Block, Delete Every Single Thing from your phone and your computer, even the screenshots of the chats or the contacts that are associated with them, and do whatever it takes to remove that person from your life. Because only then you will have the deepest clarity of who you really are, and trust me, with time, new layers of different emotions like friendship, gratitude, and empathy will be laid atop them and your load will get lighter and your days will get brighter and you'll finally see your true self, elevating back to the innocent person that you lost in this whole chaos. You'll now set a new dogma for the rest of your life for the better. Unfortunately, the hardest thing to delete is the memories that you have concealed because you just can't press Ctrl + Shift + Delete on them. They will stay for a very long time, coz guess what? Memories are much more loyal than humans. They stay with us, no matter what. Also, the beautiful part is, you will have better control over your thoughts much more than you realize without all those materialistic possessions that you hold on tight with pride. Yes, it's not at all easy to fight this demon all alone, and if you're lucky, you'll find a Healer, that will listen to you with all their ears and with all their heart, not to judge you or tell you that yes, you fucked up, but to make you feel that you deserve to be free, you deserve to be heard and most importantly, you deserve to be taken care of, maybe they can be someone you know since your childhood, or your friends that you made recently or anyone that you truly trust as time being your advocate this time.
Now, you have the knowledge of how to get out of this daunting thing called depression. It's up to you to take it as wisdom or just as another article on LinkedIn that you read. More than ever before, you know that in time, you will be healed, you just have to help it heal you and maybe for the first time in your life by taking tiny steps in your favor. You are now fully in control of your life, so take charge of it.
The power always lies in the present and in this very moment, neither in the past nor the future.
Apart from all that you have read, I know that it must be really hard for you right now, and I'm so sorry that you're going through this all alone. It really sucks and if there's anything I can do to support you please reach out to me at any time... Because together, you won't have to go through the pain all alone.
Mention someone who has been with you in your hard times, and thank them and tag or send this to the unlucky ones who need to hear this now.
P.S. If you loved this article, you'll love the Podcast of this even more...?Click here?to listen to it.
I really appreciate that you spent your valuable time reading this article, see you soon in the next one. Until then, you can follow me on my Instagram and Clubhouse ID @iam_jaisonjose so we can keep in touch. I'll be more than happy to know your story too.??♂??
Finance| Project Coordinator | Operations | Customer Relations | Process Improvement
3 年OMGGGGG!!!!! How can you be sooooo Accurate about each and every feeling that one would go through while in depression????... This is justtt awesome?????????. The most beautiful thing i read today.. Apart from all this i would like to tell that..U ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE ONE WOULD CHOOSE TO HEAL THEMSELVES FROM THE DARKNESS.?? Stay tuned and keep comforting broken by your words and gather their blessings and achieve your desired success in no timee??. Thankyou for always being there for me..i feel blessed ??