how did billion poorest village moms save the world with a million times less tech & a million times moore?
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?, : Keynes Cambridge 1945: Increasingly world futures expoenentially locked in by system designers ; Neumann 1951- humans will play with 100 times more tech per decade until 2020s or later: Billion Asian village women collabs ending poverty most exciting system The Economist has ever reported- does it connect with UN2.0 and Wall Street ESG?
DWEPai legend CODES Track Society5.0 UN2.0
Between 2000 and 1970 while much of the world experimented with 100 times more tech per decade, a billion village asian moms designed the most trusted person to person networks without access to electricity grids or phone or
-in phase 1 we table the 11 collaborations most scaled to end rural poverty .. then when partners started to bring them solar and mobile phones it is rumored that mrs jobs at a valley millennium goals party asked the engineer would he share solutions worldwide over the next 20 years of 10000 times more tech. He said he would start a new university so that anyone who wanted to could join in with global solutions while he continued focusing most of all on what billion poorest village women could leapfrog round now that they had solar and mobiles. (14 collaborations phase 2). Fazle Abed died in december 2019 so he also left about 5 collaborations he hoped 100 asian universities womens grads would continue with the world's largest ngo partnership ..-see 5 collaborations (phase 3) needed if the 2020s is boing to be orbiting round the sdgs by 2030 - it took 16 trips to bangladesh where young graduate journalists asked far better questions than I - we have filed what we learnt at - doubtless there are improvements to be made -
When you all talk about?(SG) societal governance (Or Sustainability Goals) these can be clarified as 5 core markets (each with a trillion dollar + purposeful gravity) developing humans (mothers/parents/kids_ who have no access to engines. To Scots following AdamSmith we celebrate mapping 5-in-one morality plays of billion women end extreme poverty -the greatest economic miracle: if we free these markets by 203 that will have been 262 years in the making – see Glasgow University two 21st C journals – social business and new economics which emerged from 2008 the 250th moral sentiments fireside chat. Also 2021 update you have any ideas on how to replicate (Glasgow, HK, NY www) are always on [email protected]
5 100000 person lives matter collab platforms 5.1 a metavillage 100000 persons lives matter collab????5.2 h billion village womens collabs
4 edu skills 4.1 adult skills action learning 4.2 primary school kG
3 health last mile services 3.2 d doordash 10 basic meds 3.1 eG oral rehydration 3.3 iG nationwide vax
2 last mile food – agri 2.1b rice microfranchise?2.2f veggies microfran 2.3i village-citizen rural trade channel
1 invest/finance 1.1c change aid 1.2g microfinance+ (1.3 j ultra poor grad)
Legends: numbers represent sequencing?since 1972 of entrepreneurial solutions within?the markets, lower case letters roughly represent the overall integration across disciplines and markets. Big G denotes a microfranchise that would ultimately need positive cashflkow funding by government tax or global direct cash transfer before eg children could take on business cashflow responsibility. In his last years Abed would say that BRAC being about 75% sustainable with business cashflows and 25% seeking Direct Cashflow grants was about right as it was important to keep on sharing a role as an innovator of future of public services such as education (at least while United Nations?represented humanity’s most valued goals such as youth being the first sustainability generation) .
Microeducation not microfinance – I never heard abed talking about banking – the nearest was the 3e’s of microfranchising effective efficient expandable – he celebrated half a century over which BRA-Collab employee count became over 100000 skills trainers that’s not counting about 150000 more knowhow connectors whose livelihoods microfranchises schools or last mile health services – in effect brac Bangladesh 10 million village mother members peer to peer mentored as they rural nation built maximizing self-sufficiency of 100000 person regional metavullages; and into the 21st C brac = the worlds largest NGO partnership – with other nations networks also being connected by trainers and entrepreneurial revolutionaries caring about making millennials the first sustainability generation. China had been a special case almost from the get-go: women hold up half the shy was vital to China too but because of their one child policy meaning half of family trees depended on their most entrepreneurial girl. Such basic solutions as optimal rice seed in humid river delta or how to save quarter of infants lived with oral rehydration were simply open sources – as abed said extreme poverty alleviation need to be far more collaborative about what life-shaping knowhow replicates than what men compete over. For those who like to value diversity of exponentially rising different models of national capitalism?(see Economist survey China 1977)it was a darn good thing that from 1976 the first non state companies un chine included village social businesses.
To his last years Chinese poverty alleviation experts probably learnt mor4e from Fazle Abed than any other world citizen. At his 80th and final public birthday party chinese graduate female students were noticeable in paying their respect. They were given a souvenir summary of billion girls networking to date
HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY – Sor Fazle Abed, BRAC, Bangladesh
45 Years of Building the Most Collaborative Networkong on Sustainability Youth’s Planet
The seeds of BRAC were planted in the efforts of Sir Fazle and friends to assist families affected by the Brola cyclone in 1970. BRAC was then officially established after independence, supporting refugees to rebuild their lives. At a critical early juncture , we abandoned our focus on relief and adopted a longer-term objective of development, opting to work side by side with community members for decades to come.
We do not ignore emergencies and their impact on people living in poverty. We build community preparedness and grassroots platforms that activate in natural disasters to minimize damage and to channel relief. Our goal is to help households bounce back better.
Better often means changes such as stronger infrastructure or new livelihoods for families that depend on agriculture, for example, and are therefore increasingly vulnerable to climate change.
As Bangladesh urbanizes, we have expanded our focus to include manmade disasters like fires and building collapses, most recently Rana Plaza in 2013.
Massive natural disasters internationally have triggered us to expand into new countries?like Haiti and Nepal to support national recovery the way we did in Bangladesh so many years ago
2 Healthy Lives and healthy futures
Doctors and hospitals were scarce in Bangladesh’s early days. We created an army of community-based entrepreneurs to bring medicine to every doorstep. Over time, the army became all female, challenging social norms and enabling women to access important products and information
We challenged the global health community by putting the life saving treatment for diarrheal disease in the “unqualified” hands of mothers, and generated evidence that they could use it effectively. We created a community-based tuberculosis control model, expanding over time to become the government’s largest partner in combating the disease.
The growing numbers of people living in poverty in urban areas face serios health risks, including maternal and infant mortality. Our network of healthcare entrepreneurs continues to ensure that women can access care safely, quickly, and with dignity.
Recent breakthroughs in cognitive science have shown that focusing on early childhood development has transformative effects over a lifetime. Pilot programmes are putting this research into action at the grassroots level
The primary challenge of healthcare now is less about access and more about quality. We?are building financial tools to continuously ensure more people can access services that meet their evolving health needs.
We started by teaching basic literacy to adults, then realised we needed to start from the start.?We changed lour nor-formal primary schools as “second chances’ for people living in poverty especially girls. Our pedagogy focused on joyful learning, incorporating the best practices from around the world.
As students graduated from our schools. We felt a need for creative ways to continue learning beyond the classroom. Libraries offered reading materials, and adolescent clubs created safe spaces and opportunities to teach life skills.
Our focus moved towards quality, with universal access towards education in sight, through strategies such as teacher training and increased use of technology. We proactively recruited students with special needs and expanded our curriculum into multiple ethnic languages to ensure that our schools were successful to all children.
Our ultiimate goal is to build a nation, and for that we need leaders. That is where our focus is now – creating opportunities for youth to take responsibilities in programmes, as mentors, and as teachers themselves. Our university creates even more opportunities to contribute on a global scale.
4 Financial Inclusion
We started by bringing people living in poverty together. We quickly learnt that what they needed most urgently was access to economic opportunities and financial services.
We brought women together into village organizations to organize credit and savings arrangements, and then used these meetings as a platform by delivering a wider range of services.
Over time, we expanded our reach to unserved populations, such as the “missing middle” (enterprises that were too large for the loans offered by microfinance but excluded from commercial banks) and a comprehensive grants based programme for people living with poverty, who could not benefit from microfinance.
We are now building a broader set of financial products, including insurance and pensions, and leveraging the growing ownership of mobile phones to use digital channels for financial services.
5 Market Solutions for the Poor
A fundamental driver is a lack of power – at the individual, household and community level alike... Power dynamics need to change in order for people living in poverty to realize their potential , and they only change when people do it themselves.
We promoted consciousness raising and empowerment from our earliest interactions with communities, inspired by teachings on social movements. We underestimated the complexity of power dynamics though and learned the hard way that we needed to create new organisations, where women could come together in solidarity. These community action groups became important social platforms; for example, supporting health workers who faced harassment for their services.
We widened our work over time to help people living in poverty to participate in formal government structures and leverage public services. We also increased our engagement with public official and village leaders to build wider support for women’s empowerment. These discussions have risen to the national level, where we advocate policies that support gender equality and human rights. Internally we have worked to build a female-friendly work environment and actively strive to recruit women.
Gender equality remains one of the greatest unfinished works of our generation, and an area in which we have to continue changing power dynamics. We still see that child marriage is the norm, sexual violence is pervasive, and women are under-represented in the workforce.
6 Changing Power Dynamics
As we began to provide financial services to people living in poverty, we noticed that many rural communities did not have access to markets
We started building value chains, connecting thousands of farmers and artisans to national markets. We focused on silk, poultry, clothing and retail, in many cases the viability of new sectors in Bangladesh. The successful scaling up of one value chain often spawned new livelihood opportunities, from poultry vaccinations to artificial insemination for dairy cows.
Entrepreneurship is also a long standing part of our development approach. Over time we have built a national cadre?of local change agents, usually women, who receive training and support from us, but are paid for their services by their neighbours. These grassroots entrepreneurs distribute a wide variety of products and services, from sanitary napkins to high quality seeds.
As local and global labor markets offer new opportunities. We are supporting migrants to seek and finance work abroad safely,?and equip youth with in-demand skills
By 2002 we had over 30 years experience of piloting and perfecting programs, and scaling them to reach millions. The time had come to bring what we had learnt in Bangladesh to the rest of the world.
Relief and rehabilitation were immediate needs after war and natural disasters plunged millions into poverty in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. We focused on peace and building stability through jobs, education and financial inclusion, continuing to put girls and women at the centre of opportunities.
We expanded into Africa four years later, starting development programs in Tanzania and Uganda. We continued to pilot, perfect and scale rapidly never losing focus on contextualising every opportunity created
Opening now in 12 countries gives us a rich knowledge base to further our work in Bangladesh, while providing us with a global network in which to pilot new solutions for the world’s problems. In 2016, we directly create opportunities for one in every 50 people in the world, and we invite you to connect every under 30 as first SDG generation by 2030.
More to come from 3e’s of SG to 5 e’s of ESG:?Environment and e=100 times more tech change per decade
more soon
Links to the 3 phases >1>>2>>>3
Intergenerational collaboration?entrepreneur platforms >1?5.1??metavillage sustainable community building - women empowered:15000 families at a time;5.2??billion asian women, >>2>> 5.3??brac net; >>>3>>>?5.4??asian universities share sdg graduates?5.5??climate smart village exchanges,5.6
BANK FOR ALL>1>?1.1??1.2?>>2>>?1.3???1.4???1.5???1.6?celebrate 30 most human collaborations from developing world of last half-century - inspiring?anyone valuing UN?and youth as first sustainability generation
EDUCATION?adult village entrepreneurs >1>?4.1; primary?4.2??; teen?4.3; >>2>> university4.4?; pre-school4.5; >>>3>>> tech multidisciplinary luminaries?4.6? year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
2 年accenture published 2 briefings on metaverse - slide version easier to brainstorm around the report i would pick out 18 22 41 56 73 87-8 as one way to question the future curve we are on - i dont agree with their forecasts but format is worth a look? my family has been interviewing anyone concerned with "what will you do living in an era of 100 times more tech per decade?" since dad met von neumann at princeton1951 and was mentored on this being the main question of all our futures in my memory many hoped with berners lee www would start multi-win age sharing life-critical knowhow that multiplies value in use but from 1995 drowned out by amazon and commerce - I am still wonder: could this have been avoided by identifying 2 types of web = one for learning and one for everything else I mention this because it feels like here we go again- the metaverse will in all likelihood be the last media game we humans play before extinction or sustainability is locked in