How about DevTools' Snippets for daily SEO tasks?
This covers 5 useful snippets to use in your browser. If you already use the browser's Network and/or the Elements (Chrome) / Inspector (Firefox) tabs to check for the most common issues in SEO, you might enjoy these Snippets as well.
Save time validating SEO Governance / Technical SEO issues, when you cannot use extensions or SEO tools
So why go through this "hassle" (it's just a right click + Cmd/Enter) when I could use any crawler or browser extension? Good question > 2 answers at least:
?? Maximum 999 results returned in the Console of your browser.
?? Case sensitive.
Snippet #1: Check URLs on an XML Sitemap (along with their canonical, meta robots tag, status code & disallow directive) from your browser
Snippet #2: Find href attributes on a page ?? (along with their status code & anchor text)
Snippet #3: Find un-crawlable "empty" links ???
Snippet #4: Work with JavaScript based frameworks? Find and compare Rendered HTML Canonical URL vs Source HTML Canonical URL
Snippet #5: Run a mini-crawler script on a page
Bonus snippets:
Snippet #6: Get meta tags found in the <head> on the fly
Snippet #7: Get the SRC attribute of the images on the page (along with their ALT text and HTTP status code)
Snippet #8: Get the hreflang alternate tags found on the page
Snippet #9: Get the hreflang URLs on an XML Sitemap
Not familiar with the browser's DevTools?
This video will help:
You guessed it right, there are no limits to what you can do with Snippets. Best part is that you can save them for daily usage.
Curious to learn what your favorite snippets are....