How To Develop Your Intuition To Step Into Alignment

How To Develop Your Intuition To Step Into Alignment

Being in tune with yourself is a powerful way of infusing your work with extra spark and impact. You may have already experienced intuitive insights, that gut feeling that led you to do something, or not do something. Or you may have had a thought that just came out of nowhere, but it just felt so on point.

Intuition is that inner knowing that can lead you in your everyday life, as well as when working with clients. The more you can develop your intuition, become in tune with yourself, and your higher guidance, the more effective your work will become.

You may wonder, how can you tune into your intuition, or even how can you activate your intuition, so you too will receive those insights, the higher guidance, and the deep inner knowing that can lead you with less effort.

Intuition is developed once you set foot onto your spiritual path, and even if it is not a spiritual path, but a path of personal development, will you discover your special gifts, and the gift of intuition. You have had this gift all your life, you just have forgotten about it. Never less, once you decide to set foot onto your personal development, and even spiritual development journey, you will soon start to discover that you have all these gifts, all these abilities, that will allow you to make a much bigger impact through the work you do.

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One way of activating, and increasing your intuition is by opening your Third Eye Chakra, which is right between your eyebrows, once this chakra is activated, and balanced, you will be able to tap into this higher guidance and insights that can be quite fascinating. This also will help you become more in tune with your own senses, your intuition will develop, and you will have exciting experiences along the way.

What awaits you on the higher planes of activating your intuition:

-       The more in tune you become, the easier it will be for you to work with clients, grow your business, and your overall well-being will improve as well. you no longer have to depend on your own wisdom to “figure things out”, instead you can tap into the higher guidance and receive “divine downloads”, or “inspirational insights” that will help you stay in alignment, rather than pushing against the stream.

-       Your awareness and levels of consciousness will increase as well, where you may have instances where you just know something to be true, where you receive those insights when working with clients, you may even pick up on things they are not able to speak out loud. But you will know because you can pick up on the words they don’t speak.

-       You will start experiencing things you can’t yet even imagine. As your intuition develops, your clairs develop as well, you will have greater insights, and you will feel much lighter, more vibrant, and excited about life. Things just starting to flow easier, with less effort, and more joy.

As you develop your intuition, this can greatly impact your business on all levels, from success to abundance, financial success, ease, and flow. But the most important aspect of developing your intuition is that the more in tune you become, the more in alignment you will be as well.

Many entrepreneurs are so misaligned in their business, and the way they go about growing their business, that often they take action based on what they think is the right thing to do, and often they even take action out of fear and desperation. The problem with this misaligned approach is that it will not get them the results they are hoping for, because they are not aligned to the things they do.

However, when you become in tune, and you follow that inner guidance, and even higher guidance, you will realize when things don’t feel right when it feels “off”, and this will give you the opportunity to course-correct and take aligned actions.

When you are in alignment with your purpose, your business, the things you do to grow your business, and everything else in your business, and even your life, things just flow with ease, there is no pushing, no grinding, no hard work required. When you are in the flow of things and take aligned actions, those actions that excite you, that just make you feel good, that’s when the magic happens, and you create amazing results.

If you are ready to open up your Third Eye chakra and activate your intuition, tune in to today’s episode of the Awaken To Empower Podcast as I share a powerful Light Language Activation to help you become fully activated.

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