How To Develop A Winning Mindset For Network Marketing Success

How To Develop A Winning Mindset For Network Marketing Success

How to develop a winning mindset for success in network marketing!

Also just before we dive in, don't forget to grab my 100% FREE training on the 4 simple steps you need to take to build a 6 figures income network marketing business.

Network marketing is a simple business to run which does not require you to be a rocket scientist.

But still majority of the people who start their business fail, one of the biggest reasons for failure is not building the right mindset to succeed.

In this article I’m going to share with you 5 key tips which will help you develop a winning mindset for success in your network marketing business.

Watch the content in the video right below or continue reading the article below the video...


Before we dive into the 5 key tips, I want to begin by asking you...

‘What was your mindset like right at the beginning when you started your network marketing business?’

To help you think about it cast your mind back to when:

- You were introduced to your company.

- Maybe you attended a massive company event with hundreds of people with all the glitz and glamour.

- You saw the lucrative compensation plan, the awesome products and the enthusiastic team of people who were all very encouraging and supportive of you....

Wow...wasn't it awesome!

As you’re thinking about it, let me make a guess, when you started you had...

- A very positive mindset, you were filled with loads of energy and enthusiasm because...

- What you had discovered was a massive opportunity which was going to allow you to finally fire your boss, get out of the daily grind, redeem your life and have more time for you and your family.

That’s exactly how I felt also when I started with my company and I believe that I had the right mindset for success in network marketing.

But when I actually started building my business, the harsh reality struck me and all the initial excitement started to disappear very quickly.

I was doing everything exactly as I was learning from my upline but no matter how much I tried, my business was just not taking off the ground:

I prepared my list of contacts, started approaching my family and friends but most of them were not interested in my products or the business.

I tried cold market prospecting on social media to find new people to enroll in my team but...

After wasting countless hours in messaging and following up people, I didn’t have much of success to talk about?

So I was really struggling to grow my team, but the sad reality was...

Little did I know that the secret to enrolling new people was not in me chasing them but in attracting them to approach me instead and

If you’re also finding it difficult to have high quality prospects interested in enrolling in your business then...

Check out my 100% FREE Training on the 4 Simple Steps You Need To Take To Build A 6 Figures Income Network Marketing Business Right Here.

So how do you have a continuous stream of high quality prospects reaching out to you with credit card in their hands ready to:

- Buy your products and services and

- Enrol in your team without you ever having to ask or chase them.

What I have found is that majority of the people initially start out with a lot of excitement but because of difficulties in enrolling new teammates...

Most of them are unable to sustain a winning mindset for success in network marketing.

Unfortunately something like upwards of 90% of them actually quit the business within first few months if not weeks of starting out!

To make sure that?YOU?don’t lose your focus and energy let’s now talk about...

5 key tips on how to build a winning mindset for network marketing success for your business

Let’s dive in…


When you started your business what was ‘your why’, was it to...

Earn a little extra so you could pay off your debt?

Sack your boss?

Get out of the daily grind? or to get...

Time and freedom for you and your family or maybe all of those things?

Whatever your why was, it must have been strong and compelling because it got you started in this business.

So you want to make sure your why remains front of your mind and pumps energy in you every day and makes you unstoppable.

But we know that as you go about building your business the sorts of things that are most probably going to happen are...

You’re going to approach prospects about your business and a lot if not most of them will say no and that can leave you feeling rejected.

Getting rejections is unavoidable in this business, so instead of letting them get in your way, you want to embrace rejections and consider them a...

Day-to-day part of building your business not only in the initial period of starting your business but also when...

You’ve been able to build a large team because let’s face it...

Rejections are never going to go away.

So embrace rejections, stay the course and remain focused on 'your why'.

Other things you're most probably also going to experience are...

- You might feel frustrated because your family may not be supportive of your new business venture.

- Maybe some of your friends might make fun of you on social media because apparently you're into 'one of those pyramid things'!

- Maybe some of your team mates will quit, some might even jump ship to another company leaving you wondering if you should as well.?

- Maybe you’re already experiencing all of those things plus a whole lot more.

As a result self-doubt and defeatist thoughts even to the extent of wanting to quit the business can easily creep in....

This is entirely not your fault and you're not alone...I've been there myself!

If you have been experiencing any of that sort of stuff, then always go back to why you went into this business in the first place...

"Your Why"?

Just because a few prospects said no, are you really going to let them destroy your aspirations and quit?

Did you start the business for them or for you and your family?...

I bet the latter!

Let’s be honest, building your network marketing business is going to be a very personal and an emotional up and down journey.

To power your way through it, remain focused on Your Why and that will help you build a growth network marketing mindset for success.

Let’s now talk about tip no 2…


Everyone has individual goals as to what they want to achieve from their business.

For you that could be that you want to pay-off your debt, quit your job, go for a family holiday or whatever it might be.

As part of your daily routine, what you want to do is...

Spend a few quite moments with yourself with your eyes closed and visualize yourself as...

Having actually successfully achieved those goals.

So if your goal is to go for a family holiday in some luxury resort in Europe, visualize yourself with your family in that specific resort having a great time.

Feel free to have an extra cocktail on my behalf...I'll love you for it???

Prefer a nice Pina Colada thanks???

My personal favourite is to do this little visualization exercise first thing when I get up in the morning when my brain is fresh and clear and also...

The last thing before I go to bed and that helps me to continue to build that growth mindset for success in network marketing.

Let’s now talk about tip no 3…


We all have the choice to decide who we want to hang around with.

If we choose to hang around with all the naysayers who’re not supportive of your vision to build your business...

We’ll allow them to have a negative influence on us particularly at a subconscious level, as a result self-doubt can easily creep in.

You might’ve already heard the great Jim Rohn once said...

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with"

One of the things I have found that works really for me is...

To be part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurial people who’re in it together,

For example our FB Group.

Many times where I have a question, frustration or I’m feeling stuck, I raise the issue in the group and the other team-mates jump in there to provide their help and support.

So to give yourself the best chance of success you want to surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive and encourage you to take action to fulfil your dreams.

Let’s now move on to tip no 4…


As we talked about it earlier, when I started my business I was pumped and super excited.?

But when I actually started prospecting, most people said no, I struggled to enrol new teammates and failed miserably.

As what happens with most people in this game, I became quite negative about the whole thing and started doubting myself.

The same products which seemed to be awesome in the beginning, now appeared to be an unnecessary monthly expense.?

The compensation plan which seemed to be lucrative in the beginning now seemed to be extremely unfair.

Attending company events was something I used to look forward to which now seemed to be a time drag and...

The list of excuses goes on, think you know what I mean!

Essentially I had adopted an excuses mindset where I was blaming everything else but myself for my lack of success.

However fortunately after attending some of the company’s mindset trainings, I realized where I was going wrong in my thinking approach which then...?

Helped me realize that I needed to take full ownership of my business and focus on how to develop a winning mindset for success in network marketing instead of an excuses mindset.

I'm probably not saying anything new here but...

In my view its’ a worthwhile exercise to ask yourself, am I making excuses for my lack of success?

And even if you are then that’s still ok, we’re all human and it’s all part of the learning process.

So in that case make the decision to throw that excuses mindset out of the window, take the success of your business in your hands and...

Focus on building a winning mindset to succeed.

Let’s now dive into tip no 5…


What’s really interesting to note is that it takes us 10-12 years of study at school and a further few years at the university to be qualified in something.

And we accept that, yet when most people start a network marketing business they seem to think that they’re going to be successful within a short stint.

Now don't get me wrong, for some rock stars out there, that might just happen.

But the reality is that for most people it doesn’t!

As with doing anything worthwhile, becoming a network marketing professional will take at least some time to learn the skills,...

Probably not the 3-5 years at university, but will require some learning and practice to become really good at it.

So to help you achieve your goals, you want to become a life-long learner in this industry.

Whether that means spending 20 – 30 minutes a day on learning new skills like how to do an effective business presentation, attending training workshops...

Right through to learning online marketing strategies for example content creation, sales funnels, etc. to build your business.

One more thing to add here is that all too often for a lot of network marketers, learning becomes an all consuming thing in itself but without any real action.?

As we’re in this business to create income, you want to continuously learn for sure but you want to make sure that you're applying what you’re learning as...

That’s what’s going to build your business right!

On the topic of learning, one of the biggest reasons why network marketers face mindset challenges is due to not being able to find new people to recruit in the team.?

If that's something you and your team are struggling with and you're looking for a...

Smart way to attract high quality prospects to reach out to you to ask you about buying from you and enrolling in your team without you ever having to...

- Bug your family and friends; or

- Do any home parties or hotel meetings; or?

- Do any cold market prospecting...

Then check out my 100% FREE training on the 4 simple steps you need to take to build a 6 figures income network marketing business.

Go right ahead, enjoy the trainings and let me know if you have any questions.

Be sure to apply the above 5 key tips on how to develop a winning mindset for network marketing success in your business.

Did you get some value from this article??

If so then drop a comment below and feel free to share this training with your team.

I would also love to hear about your experience so comment below what’s been the biggest mindset challenge for you in your business and...

What strategy have you applied to overcome the challenge.

I look forward to reading and responding to your comments.

Winning Mindset For Network Marketing Success

Best Wishes???

Sanat Rathee

Free Recruiting Training For Next Level Network Marketers

Brian Kibet

Business at Bsc

1 个月

It is great..glad this may help alot.

Valentino Simon Imolede

Civil/structural engr

5 个月

So insightful?


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