How to Develop a Virtual Classroom Supplier Checklist

How to Develop a Virtual Classroom Supplier Checklist


Many organizations have implemented technology for delivery of training and education to offsite and remote students. ?The capabilities of the systems available vary widely. Many of these technologies are virtual meeting rooms with added “training” features. Development of a virtual classroom supplier checklist provides an excellent way to quickly identify which available technologies will best suit your organization’s requirements.

Basic Education and Training Functions

Unfortunately many organizations have implemented technologies that do not provide the minimum education and training functions required for their remote learning programs. Examples of these shortfalls include:

  • Seamlessly integrate with the organization’s Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Provide exams that comply with the organization’s education and training standards
  • Provide the ability to leverage the organization’s existing education and media assets
  • Comply with basic industry standards for record-keeping and talent management
  • Provide proctored exam capabilities that meet the organization’s requirements
  • Provide the tools required to develop engaging media and support materials
  • Support skill training and verification
  • Provide measurable replay lessons that record scores, progress and completions

Virtual Meeting Room are Not Virtual Classrooms

How to Get Started

No supplier understands your organization’s requirements better than your educators and trainers. Providing your instructors with a broad wish list of potential system features is a great way to get started with the development of a supplier checklist. By identifying the needs of the organization from the perspective of the instructors that will be responsible for the results of your remote education and training programs, you can also achieve ownership by these individuals in the selection process.

An Example Wish List

Click here to download an example "wish list" for completion by your educators and trainers. Minimum required features can be identified with an X and beneficial features can be indicated with a check-mark. Once completed, assume any “required” features document the minimum capabilities that your organization can consider when reviewing vendor offerings. By assigning a number to each “beneficial” feature, based on the number of responses received from your personnel, you can easily assign a weight to these items.

Image of example wish list. Click to download.

Tell Potential Suppliers What You Need

A mistake that many organizations make in their process for technology procurement is to start by having vendors demonstrate their capabilities in a vacuum. Always start with your requirements in the vendor selection process. The vendor can then "wow" you with whatever additional features and capabilities that their solution offers. It is also a good idea to have your instructors conduct pilot lessons using candidate technologies prior to purchase.

“Supplier demonstrations may look exciting, but if their offering does not meet your organization’s minimum requirements, it is not worth further consideration”

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KMSI provides learning, talent and performance management software solutions, Internet application hosting and professional services. Our service teams are managed by industry leaders implementing proven processes designed to be leveraged across practices. KMSI has designed performance improvement strategies for many of the largest organizations in the world. KMSI provides training development, instructional content conversion and other specialty and implementation services. Visit to learn more.


