How to develop Resilience
War mentality
I build shit. Houses, garages, cars, teams, and people. Sometimes, there are setbacks. Your account gets deleted. You pour gear oil in a transfer case that requires ATF. You say something in anger that you don’t mean. Regardless of that, you have to keep the perspective that your overall goal is always to build. To improve. To enjoy. In those moments of failure, you get to practice the skill of resilience.
It took two of us an entire work day to set these trusses. I was excited, because I could start to see the finished building appearing right in front of my eyes. When we left at the end of the day on Wednesday, Tom and I were pretty pumped.?
Now, any trained eye can see that there are no rat runs installed, and no diagonal bracing at all. It’s just toenails in the bottom chords and 25.5s setting width. Rookie mistake. When we came back on Thursday morning, we were looking at this.
My heart fell when I saw that all of our work from the day before was gone. Tom looked over at me and said, “war mentality.” That’s code for the idea that you just keep grinding, no matter the setback. This was a chance to exercise and strengthen our ability to be resilient.?
We got them all back up, braced and set for roof sheeting that day. This job didn’t let us off the hook, though. I ended up with a nail in my left hand one of the days, and a nail in the other hand the day after that. I saved the nails.?
The smaller one was from the second day. That one got infected and put me in the hospital on an IV for a couple of days.? That's a pretty big setback.
While this job has given me more than the usual amount of slow downs, that just means that I’ve got more opportunity to grow. Resilience is a habit that must be practiced. All you have to do it keep grinding. War mentality, brother.?
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