How to develop a personal brand
- Work out what your brand should be by asking yourself "how do I want to be perceived externally and internally and why do I want this?" You need to start with clear goals and an understanding of why you are seeking these goals. "Where am I going with this?"
- Understand your starting point. How are you currently perceived by clients, potential clients, peers and bosses. Ask people!
- Does your current personal brand positioning need to be boosted, tweaked or radically repositioned?
- Do you need professional help eg business coach or life coach to help you do this or do you just need a mentor and a "business friend"? Your firm / company may have a budget or professionals to help you with this.
- Choose carefully who mentors or advises you in this. How are they perceived? Are they qualified to help you? Do they have their own agenda? Are they truly a supporter? Do you respect them and trust them?
- Have broad shoulders. This is a truly personal project and you have to be prepared to understand how you are currently perceived and you may not like it. Although it may be personal, try to understand objectively what people are saying and focus on the things that you can change and want to change. The fact that you are looking to implement some kind of change is a positive thing in itself. You are trying. Focus on that. And of course build on the positives.
- Decide on short, medium and longer term strategies. Rome wasn't built in a day and stealth is often better than speed.
- Set realistic goals and timeframes which are achievable and are not unrealistic.
- Stick with it. Change can sometimes be hard and difficult to achieve. It's not always easy to change perceptions, but over time it's possible.
- Measure your achievements. Sit back regularly and and assess your progress. Congratulate yourself on your achievements no matter how small and assess where you are going with your brand. Don't be afraid to make further changes and adjustments to your strategy and to seek further help and advice from your supporters.
Jonathan Walmsley | Principal | Marsden Legal Search & Recruitment