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? Developing your personality starts with understanding yourself. Evaluate what traits you see in yourself, and what you want to improve. Identify and focus on the positive personality traits that strengthen your confidence, openness, perseverance, kindness, and humility. On the flipside, it's important to know what traits won't get you the results you want. Ultimately, each person's personality is their own, and there is no one way to have a happier or more attractive personality.
When you?make a new friend?or meet someone new, their appearance might be the first thing you notice. But once you?start a conversation, their personality is what stands out and sparks a lasting?first impression.
Your personality is the unique combination of traits and behaviour that form in response to various influences. These influences include?nature, your genetic predisposition, and nurture, your experiences and environment.
Psychologists once believed that your temperament and character developed during childhood and didn’t change much over time. Sigmund Freud postulated that,?by the age of five, you developed your “superego”?(your moral standards) and therefore your personality.?
But more modern studies have found that your personality remains flexible throughout your life. It evolves as you age, whether that’s?in response to a significant life event or through consistent effort and discipline. These changes are less about your personality and?whole self?and more about your individual skills, traits, and characteristics.
This is good news if there’s an aspect of your personality you’d like to resolve or develop. It is possible to make a change if you’re willing to commit to a personality?training and development process, whether that’s?meeting with a coach?or?reading books for growth.?By understanding more about yourself, you can let your positive qualities shine through.
Write down five personalities traits about yourself? - ?Think about at least five or more personality traits that you have. Write them down, and take a few sentences to describe why you think this personality trait applies to you.
v Make sure at least one of them is a positive, good personality trait that you see in yourself.
v Also, list one personality trait that is negative or bothering you in some way.
v Don't use your physical appearance as a way to describe yourself. Focus only on your personality.
Evaluate the positive and negative - When you wrote down these personality traits, did you seem to focus on mostly positive or mostly negative traits? For example, did you have four negative traits, and only one good one?
v Understand if you are only seeing the negative in yourself. You may feel like you're not worthy or don't believe in yourself. Find ways to boost your self-esteem.
v If you only mentioned one negative trait, you may have greater confidence in yourself, but lack insight into what needs improvement. Consider evaluating your limits in a healthy way and finding?more humility.
Assess what you want to improve - Think about what is bothering you in particular about your personality. What do you want to see differently in yourself? By having greater insight, this is an important step to changing. Think about how you could improve in the following areas:
v Your anxiety, anger, or temper
v Your shyness, fearfulness, or awkwardness
v Your loneliness, sadness, or depression
v Your stubbornness, irritability, or frustration
v Your lack of trust
v Your arrogance
Find your confidence - ?Confidence is an attractive personality trait. Often people who believe in themselves are happier. While being arrogant can make others uneasy, believing in yourself is key.
v Identify the different ways to feel and look?confident.
v Have good body language that shows you're not fearful of others. Maintain good eye contact. Smile. Look interested in what others say and do.
Exercise patience rather than anger - Anger and anxiety happens to everyone. You may feel out of control at times, or like you don't know what to do with your emotions. Find ways to stay calm and patient.
·???? Identify ways to?control your anger
·???? If you feel yourself getting out of control, make your exhales longer than your inhales for a few breaths, to get yourself out of fight-or-flight mode.
·???? Look at what triggers your frustration, and find ways to reduce these stressors.
·???? Instead of thinking about how much something makes you anxious and angry, take a minute. Breathe. Imagine yourself in a calm and relaxed place.
Help others more - Do you avoid sharing with others? Or seem to always want to put your needs ahead of others' for some reason? Break this habit of selfish behavior, and focus on how you can help others more.
·???? Do things that you normally would avoid or complain about. Help others that need your help.
·???? Focus first on how you can help those closest to you--your family, relatives, friends, neighbors, classmates, or co-workers.
·???? Branch out of your comfort zone, and consider volunteering your time to
???? others. Give back to your community.