How to develop an insight
I had an opportunity to work with a group that was developing a concept for elders - 70+
Insight Development – for 70+ Elders
Step 1
There were over 100 data points captured on Post-Its.
Emerging themes based on clusters:
Old age homes
Old age/Loneliness/Death
Emotional needs
AHA Moments
Frugality. 70+ people don't want to spend money. To the extent that they could sometimes be perceived as being Stingy. Parsimonius.
"They will walk a mile to make a free phone call."
"Oxygen keeps you alive, money keeps you going"
"Expenditure without income is slow death"
"Necessity Yes. Luxury No."
"Pleasure is Sin."
"Obsessed with trivia"
"Worry about things, not in their control"
"Inability to cope with rapidly changing technology"
"Small details cause stress, compounded by failing memory"
"I can't handle the mobile. It is too complicated"
"Kids are like anti-depressants, de-stressors"
"They make us forget our worries."
"Their Innocense makes us forget all our problems"
"Miss our grandchildren. Wish they can visit us more often."
Old Age Homes
"Old age homes are not the panacea for all ills. It is a myth."
"Old age homes built with cement, concrete, and steel without love and care are prisons, where we feel sentenced for life."
"Preserving Dignity & independence is of the utmost importance"
"High expectation."
"I am old, respect me"
"Don't pity me, I am not a beggar."
"At this age, I am?entitled?to get the best. "
Old Age/Loneliness/Death
"Death is not the enemy, indifference is"
"At my age, I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of living."
"Old age is a punishment worse than death."
"Don't mistake old age with wisdom"
"Great joy, meeting friends and sharing old memories."
"Nostalgia is a great tonic for us."
"Delighted by surprise visits & small talk."
"Come sit next to me and hold my hands."
"Yearn for companionship"
"Little gifts are so exciting. It shows we still matter"
Emotional Needs
"Kids who happen to be 70+"
"Make me feel wanted."
"Nobody has time anymore for me or what excites me."
"I am not a disposable napkin or diaper."
"Yearning for attention & love"
"Ah! Would love a little pampering from time to time!"
"Want to escape from this place, at least for a couple of hours."
"I would love to go on a sightseeing trip or a picnic. Ages since I went like that with friends"
"Crave for attention and love."
"Spoil me with love. Don't need your money or gifts."
How might we elevate their level of existence
How might we help them make their old age into a masterpiece
How might I make my aging into a masterpiece
How might I measure my well-being
(Influenced by Dr Roger Landry's Work)
" I want to murder time. Not just kill it."
"It is all Karma. It was determined I would lead my old age like this, even before I was born."
"What you can't cure, endure"
"Time - it is hanging on us."
"Fall is the beginning of an end"
"Live long, die short"
"Movement is your secret. Keep moving. Even when at home."
"Just get up and go"
"Balance is everything"
"Be active physically and mentally"
"Keep body & mind in top condition"
"Any product or service which is just functional may not work"
"Design products or services that enmesh the current reality of the elder's life. Recognize their hopes, fears, and concerns. "
"High price, high margin products/services may not work, even amongst wealthy elders."
PS: I love working on developing insights. I am happy to assist anyone who is working on an insights development project. My reward is the opportunity to work on an interesting project with young imaginative people.
Write to me at [email protected] if you want me to be part of your 'insight development task force'. Who knows, you might be able to crack a difficult challenge in the process.