How to design a Sudoku puzzle ? The Algorithm.

How to design a Sudoku puzzle ? The Algorithm.

1. Classic Sudoku game involves a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine squares (3x3 array). The rules of the game are : 

(a) Each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. 

(b) Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

2. This post focuses on the algorithm that could be used to design a 9x9 Sudoku game.

(a) Start with Row 1 (R1). Fill all 9 columns (C1-C9) with random numbers between 1 - 9 ensuring no number is repeated.

(b) Copy R1C4-R1C9 to R2C1-R2C6 and R1C1-R1C3 to R2C7-R2C9

(c) Copy R1C7-R1C9 to R3C1-R3C3 and R1C1-R1C6 to R3C4-R3C9 (as illustrated above)

(d) Now getting in 2nd level of 3x3 squares, Copy R1C2-R1C9 to R4C1-R4C8 and R1C1-R4C9. Repeat para (b) & (c) above. The pattern is obvious.

Gambas code for above steps is enumerated below :-

Public Sub design_board()

    Dim i, j, k, v, row As Byte
    Dim R0 As New Byte[]

    For row = 0 To 8
        If (row = 0) Then
            While (i < 9)
                v = Rand(1, 9)
                If Not r0.Exist(v) Then
                    R0[i] = v
                    DesgBrd[0, i] = v
                    Inc i
            i = row * 3
            k = Int(row / 3)
            For j = 0 To 8
                DesgBrd[row, j] = DesgBrd[0, (i + j + k) Mod 9]


3. However doing just above would make the puzzle very predictable. The method to avoid an easy to decipher pattern are :

(a) Swap any two rows within the square block e.g Swap R1 & R2 or R4 with R6

(b) Swap any two columns within the square block e.g swap C7 with C9 or C3 with C2

I recommend randomly selecting the square block (1 to 9) and swap row or column or both (but one at a time). Repeat swap few times to make the puzzle difficult to decipher. (illustration below though doesn't have swap incorporated)

4. Now the final act - knock off numbers depending on the difficulty level chosen by the player

Sample code for a working Sudoku puzzle can be found at this code has been written in GAMBAS 3.9.X running on Linux Mint


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