How to design a medal? - Part A

How to design a medal? - Part A

Medal design is a creative endeavor. There are many key elements involved in designing a custom running medal. From the shape and material to the color and content of the design, every detail is important. As we all know, running medals is an integral part of an event, and the design elements need to fit the theme and atmosphere of the event; custom medals should be designed to drive the atmosphere of the participants.


A wealth of creativity and exquisite craftsmanship is the key to success in designing a customized medal that is desired. In various competitions, events and commemorative occasions, custom medals for awards are not only an award or decoration, but also an experience of the value and honor of the event. Rightfully so, no one likes monotony. Participants prefer well-designed medals to flat ones with no design at all. All in all, designing a successful running medal requires careful design and rigorous production.


The Basics of Medal Design

There are many aspects involved in medal design. With materials, sizes, colors, ribbons, and packaging, there are countless options for each part. With this in mind, we will explore the different types of medals, their uses, their main components, and the goals and principles of design.


1. Types and Uses of Medals

Every memorable event you can think of can use a customized medal. Whether you are organizing an event, a competition, or an activity, a well-designed medal makes your event more enjoyable.


There are a wide variety of types of customized medallions. Simply put, it can be any shape you desire. For example, when you need customized swimming medals, you’ll want them to be filled with swimming elements. We once designed medals for a beach event where the designer combined a medal with a bottle opener, and the event organizers and participants alike well received this particular medal.


The most common use of medals is to award the winner of an event or a dedicated person who has made a special contribution to the organization. For formal occasions, such as recognition events, we design traditional round medals to accompany the formal event. For some events or competitions, such as bike races or color runs, custom medals can be more lively and varied in shape.


2. Main Components of a Medal

Medals usually consist of medals and ribbons. Some medals and ribbons need to be attached together with clasps. In the case of a series of awards, the event director may also require a prize display stand. Elaborate packaging can also be part of the medals.


Planning and Conceptualizing the Award

Taking the time to research and understand the client’s needs properly allows for faster planning and design of a quality customized medal. By taking the time to conceptualize and prepare, designers can perfect custom designs in a variety of styles.


Rushing a customized award is not an option. With social media’s growing influence, event directors need to rethink their event strategy.


1. Research and Understand Client Needs

Every event has its theme, and event directors want to amplify the impact of the event. Award designers need to understand some basic questions before designing an award:

What type of event is it?

Does the event have a color theme?

What are the material requirements for customized medals?

Does it need to be environmentally friendly?

Does the award design need to be innovative?

What is the age group of the event’s participants?

What is your overall budget for event awards?

The more information the designer gets, the easier the award design becomes!


2. Creative Diffusion and Concept Development

Creativity is a magical thing. Organizers and participants love novelty, and medal makers need to incorporate new elements to satisfy the desire to collect medals.


In addition to fresh visual elements, there is a need to consider how the medals can help communicate the unique value of the event. Customized event medals can increase the publicity of an event and make it stand out from other event races.


All in all, designing impressive award plaques can star in multiple roles throughout the event lifecycle, keeping the event looking its best at all times. The same is true for competitors who do a good job of designing their medals.

Looking for more info? Like & Comment to expect Part B coming soon~

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