How design makes your brand memorable
An important aspect of good identity design is how it elevates a brand’s memorability. It’s how you communicate with your audience, how you make an impact in their minds, and how you stand out from the competition. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if your branding doesn’t resonate with people, then it won’t matter. So how do you create a strong brand design? The answer lies in understanding how design works and what makes brands memorable. In this post, we’ll explore techniques that help brands stand out by creating engaging experiences for their audience—and why they work so well!
Create a Brand Style Guide
Why You Need a Brand Style Guide
Brand style guides are more than just an aesthetic tool. They allow you to define precisely how your brand will look and feel, which gives you and everyone involved a clear point of reference when designing content. Without one, it’s easy for different team members to craft messages that don’t align with one another or represent the right voice for your brand. Your guide should clearly define who you are as an organisation while establishing guidelines so that all materials produced by or on behalf of your company consistently reflect that identity.
How to Create Your Style Guide:
It’s easiest if the person responsible for creating the guide understands what makes up the visual language—in other words, a graphic designer (or someone on their team). Once they’ve gotten started on this project, we recommend getting input from other people as well—especially those who may not have as much experience with design but can offer valuable opinions about whether things “feel right” or not when they see them in use! This can help ensure that everyone involved feels heard and understood while still achieving consensus around key elements like colours or fonts being used across multiple platforms (like website pages).
Make your logo memorable
Your logo is an important element of your brand. It should be simple and memorable, easily recognisable in a variety of sizes, unique enough to stand out from the competition and scalable across different mediums. The best logos are timeless—they’re not trendy or overly stylised. They don’t rely on colour or 3D effects for their impact; instead, they communicate instantly with a few clean lines and shapes that can be scaled up or down without losing their integrity or meaning.
Use brand colours across the board
A brand’s colour scheme is essential. Colours have the power to evoke emotions and influence our perceptions; they can communicate a sense of warmth, friendliness or professionalism. And when you’re creating a new logo or designing marketing materials for your business, the colour will play an integral role in how people perceive you as a company.
So how do you choose the right colours for your brand? You may already have an idea in mind, but some guidelines can help make sure you select appropriate shades from the start:
Choose a font to embody your brand
Use infographics
Infographics are a great way to share information. They’re colourful, they’re easy to read and they can be used in many different places—social media, emails and print. There are lots of ways you can use infographics. You could create an infographic that explains how your product works or the benefits of using it. Or you could create an infographic with statistics about your industry or company so that people will remember you after reading it!
Add personality to your design
A brand’s personality is not something that you can decide on a whim. It needs to be carefully crafted and built over time with the help of designers and marketers who understand the nuance between a strong brand voice and one that is too dry or stiff.
Defining your brand’s persona will probably start with your logo—or if you’re starting from scratch, it should. Your logo serves as an anchor for everything else: it will inform every visual element that represents your company down the line—from font choices to colour palettes to anything else in between. This doesn’t mean that every piece of work has to look exactly like all other pieces of work, but it does mean that everything should feel cohesive enough internally so that no one gets confused about what they’re looking at or buying into when they see something from your collection (and this includes social media posts).
Keep voice and tone consistent
Consistency is key to building brand recognition. Whether designing your logo, website, or social media graphics, keep your voice and tone consistent across all channels.
It’s important to note that the same brand can have different voices depending on where it’s being used and who it’s talking to. For example, a company selling a product aimed at children may want its messages on social media platforms to be playful while highlighting safety considerations. As another example: a bank might use formalness in its email marketing but loosen up with more casual language when communicating via Facebook chatbot. The point here is that consistency doesn’t necessarily mean sameness across mediums; instead, it means having a clear idea of what you want each channel to convey and executing those ideas successfully—even if they vary slightly depending on context.
There are many ways to make your branding memorable, but few are as cost-effective as having a good brand design strategy from the start.
“Design is a process,” says designer Peter Mendelsund. “It’s not just a logo, or just a website or just marketing materials or even the products themselves.”
The same can be said for branding—and for any successful company. A good brand design strategy should consider every aspect of how you present yourself to the world, from your website and marketing materials to your products and packaging.
When you think about what makes up an effective brand design strategy, keep these questions in mind: What are you trying to communicate? Why do people need it? And who’s your audience?
Design is a powerful tool for branding, but it’s important to remember that it isn’t the only one. There are many other ways to make your brand memorable, and good design can help you do them better. In the end, though? Your brand should reflect who you are and what you value as a company—and when it comes down to it, there are few things more memorable than that!
Strategic Brand Designer | Using brand strategy and design to connect people who care to causes that matter.
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