How design can transform your ability to address complex challenges
Livework studio
We improve the way people live and work. By designing services that are better for the people who use and deliver them.
Imagine your change initiative was faster, smoother, less risky, and delivered better outcomes. We can do this by focusing on human value.
This is what design can bring.
The reason a design approach is essential is that change is a human challenge and failure is generally due to human factors. Think about any change you have been involved with and you will have experienced challenges in a least some of these factors:
Design is not just another change tool – it is the process of change, the activity of change. Design does this with people, exploring the future, getting familiar with it, and working together to address the resistant factors -with respect.
Access the full article here:
Change the Way you change webinar 01: Change challenges
We recently held the first event in our "Change the way you change" series on March 20th. During this series, we will be exploring how design can transform organizations' ability to face complex challenges.
If you were unable to attend the first event, don't worry - you can watch it now on our YouTube channel.
Please stay tuned! We will have some news for you shortly!