How to Delete Multiple LinkedIn Messages [LinkedIn Hack] | Tips | Tricks
Ishan Mishra ????
Founder & CEO @ Medhaavi? || Digital Entrepreneur ?? || Growth Hacker??
If you're like me, you probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of inbox messages on LinkedIn. When your inbox is that cluttered, it becomes difficult to distinguish between messages that you should read (or are worth reading) versus the various inbox messages from sales reps trying to sell you their products, or are attempting to do social selling the wrong way.
Using the approach I share with you below, I was able to reach inbox zero and deleted over 3000 messages going back to 2003.
How To Delete Multiple LinkedIn Messages
This article shows you a quick LinkedIn hack that you can do today to clean up your LinkedIn message inbox.
- Use Chrome as your browser
- Go to your LinkedIn inbox. The is the URL is see when I hover over the inbox:
- In your browser, go to the top-right area, click on the 3 vertical dots (settings), then go to [More Tools > Developer Tools], which should open a half-page window
- Then, in that window, copy and paste the following code and then hit Enter.
$('.action.delete-action').each(function(){;var found = "";while(found == ""){var found = $('.yes-btn');;}});
The painful or irritating thing is that you'll have to copy/paste that code several times to finally get to LinkedIn inbox zero.
One area where the code will not work is if you have conversations in your inbox - that is, messages with multiple people. When you encounter this, all you have to do is delete that specific conversation manually, and then after that you can run the code again to get rid of the rest.
A LinkedIn conversation looks like this:
To leave a LinkedIn conversation, click that arrow and then you'll encounter this dialogue box:
When you see that dialogue box, simply manually click "Leave" and you'll leave that LinkedIn message conversation.
Once you do that, then you can continue to enter the code to remove the rest of the LinkedIn messages.
A Warning
There's a weird bug on LinkedIn. There's innaccurate message count - that is your message little inbox envelope will show a different amount than the actual messages you have. For example, I have zero messages (because I've deleted them all), yet my little inbox icon shows 9. Weird. Here's what my LinkedIn page looks like:
I checked the LinkedIn help pages and it turns out this is a known bug.
Inaccurate Unread Message Count
What: The unread messages count indicated may be inaccurate.
Impact: Subset of members on desktop and mobile.
Get updates: This is a known issue and our engineering team is actively working on a solution. If you are experiencing this issue, click Yes in response to the Did you also experience this issue? box. If you're logged in, you'll receive updates as they become available.
Thanks for using LinkedIn!
So, don't worry about it. They'll eventually take care of it.
Check out the video I made below, which walks you through the process.